Benjamin Goh and Cameron Nathan's Part IV Engineering Project for the University of Auckland. Supervised by Nasser Giacaman and Valerio Terragni.
This project tests GPT's ability to complete code based on the instructions of the 2023 SOFTENG 281 Assignment 1. The project tests at what stages of student code development does GPT most successfully complete the test cases of the assignment. It also is able to test which temperatures provide the best completion.
All the code is in the LLM Testing/Code-Testing/src/main directory. It may be easier to open the project from the Code-Testing folder if you are trying to develop more code for the existing codebase.
Extract the from here into the LLM testing folder (email must be part of the University of Auckland).
Run the following Maven command:
mvn compile exec:java "-Dexec.args= OPENAI_KEY TEMPERATURE false"
- The current implementation needs minor tweaks for the natural language explanations of compilation errors to work.
- Test GPT on different types of assignments
- Test whether there are certain temperatures that work better for different kinds of assignments
- Test GPT's ability to generate natural language explanations of compilation errors
- Test whether those natural language explanations assist GPT in fixing compilation errors