Preliminary/In progress.
A toolbox for generalized method of moments (GMM) with functionality aimed at streamlining estimating models that have long runtime, using parallel computing.
This package takes care of several `menial' tasks: saving and loading estimation results from files, seamlessly continuing long-running jobs that failed mid-estimation, creating publication-ready tables using RegressionTables.jl. The package gives special attention to the optimizer "backend" used to minimize the GMM objective function, and several options are available.
Core estimation features:
- one- and two-step GMM estimation
- nonlinear optimizer: support for Optim.jl and LsqFit.jl backends, multiple initial conditions, box constraints, automatic differentiation (AD)
- inference: (1) asymptotic i.i.d. and (2) Bayesian (weighted) bootstrap
Convenience features:
- integrated with RegressionTables.jl for publication-quality tables
- efficiently resume estimation based on incomplete results (e.g. when bootstrap run #63, or initial condition #35, fails or runs out of time or out of memory after many hours)
- parallel over initial conditions (embarrassingly parallel using
) - parallel bootstrap
- suitable for running on computer clusters (e.g. using slurm)
- simple option to normalize parameters before they are fed to the optimizer
- simple example to estimate a subset of parameters and use fixed values for the others (works with AD)
See a fully worked out example in
The following tutorial covers how to install Julia and this package and explains the above example script line by line: docs/src/tutorials/ It aims to be accessible to first-time Julia users who are familiar with the econometrics of GMM.
The user must provide a moment function mom_fn(data, theta)
that takes a data
object (it can be a DataFrame or any other object) and a parameter vector theta
. The function must returns an
To estimate a model using two-step optimal GMM, compute the asymptotic variance-covariance matrix, and display a table with the results, run
myfit =, mom_fn, theta0) # defaults: identify weights matrix, one-step GMM
GMMTools.vcov_simple(MYDATA, mom_fn, myfit)
The parameter theta0
is either a vector of size GMMTools.random_initial_conditions(theta0::Vector, K::Int; theta_lower=nothing, theta_upper=nothing)
generates K
random initial conditions around theta0
(and between theta_lower
and theta_upper
, if provided).
For inference using Bayesian (weighted) bootstrap, replace the second line by
# generate bootstrap weights first and separately. In case the estimation is interrupted, running this code again generates exactly the same weights, so we can continue where we left off.
bweights_matrix = GMMTools.boot_weights(MYDATA, myfit, nboot=500, method=:simple, rng_initial_seed=1234)
GMMTools.vcov_bboot(MYDATA, mom_fn, theta0, myfit, bweights_matrix, opts=myopts)
The fit function accepts the following arguments:
function fit(
data, # any object that can be passed to mom_fn as the first argument
mom_fn::Function, # mom_fn(data, theta) returns a matrix of moments (N x M)
theta0; # initial conditions (vector of size P or K x P matrix for K sets of initial conditions)
W=I, # weight matrix (N x N) or uniform scaling identity (I)
weights=nothing, # Vector of size N or nothing
mode=:onestep, # :onestep or :twostep
run_parallel=false, # run in parallel (pmap, embarasingly parallel) or not
opts=GMMTools.GMMOptions() # other options
accepts detailed options that control (1) whether and how results are saved to file, and (2) the optimization backend and options.
# estimation options
myopts = GMMTools.GMMOptions(
path="C:/temp/", # path where to save estimation results (path = "" by default, in which case no files are created)
write_iter=false, # write results for each individual run (corresponding to initial conditions)
clean_iter=true, # delete individual run results after estimation is finished
overwrite=false, # if false, read existing results (or individual runs) and do not re-estimate existing results. It is the user's responsibility to ensure that the model and theta0 have not changed since the last run
optimizer=:lsqfit, # optimization backend to use. LsqFit.jl uses the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm (see discussion below)
optim_autodiff=:forward, # use automatic differentiation (AD) to compute gradients. Currently, only forward AD using ForwardDiff.jl is supported
lower_bound=[0.0, -Inf], # box constraints
upper_bound=[Inf, 10.0],
optim_opts=(show_trace=true,), # additional options for curve_fit() from LsqFit.jl in a NamedTuple. (For Optim.jl, this should be an Optim.options() object)
theta_factors::Union{Vector{Float64}, Nothing} = nothing, # options are nothing or a vector of length P with factors for each parameter. Parameter theta[i] will be replaced by theta[i] * theta_factors[i] before optimization. Rule of thumb: if theta[i] is on the order of 10^M, pick theta_factor[i] = 10^(-M).
trace=1) # 0, 1, or 2
myfit =, mom_fn, theta0, mode=:twostep, opts=myopts)
saves the estimation results in two files: fit.csv
contains a table with one row per set of initial conditions, and fit.json
contains several estimation parameters and results. GMMTools.write(myfit::GMMFit, opts::GMMOptions; subpath="fit")
is the lower level function to write GMMFit
objects to files.
saves a vcov.json
file that includes, among other objects, the variance-covariance matrix myfit.vcov.V
. GMMTools.vcov_bboot(...)
also saves two files vcov_boot_fits_df.csv
(all individual runs for all bootstrap runs) and vcov_boot_weights.csv
(rows are bootstrap runs, columns are data observations). The lower level function is GMMTools.write(myvcov::GMMvcov, opts::GMMOptions; subpath="vcov")
GMMTools.read_fit(full_path; subpath="fit", show_trace=false)
reads estimation results and loads them into a GMMFit
object. GMMTools.read_vcov(full_path; subpath="vcov", show_trace=false)
reads vcov results and loads them into a GMMvcov
object. Note that GMMTools.read_fit()
attempts to also read the vcov from the same folder. Otherwise, read the vcov separately and attach it using
myfit = GMMTools.read_fit(mypath1)
myfit.vcov = GMMTools.read_vcov(mypath2)
Embarassingly parallel using Distributed.jl.
For an example, see examples/example_ols_parallel.jl.
Note, the MYDATA
object is copied to all workers. Currently, no support exists for SharedArrays.jl or other options that are less memory intensive.
By default, any error during optimization stops the entire estimation (or inference) command.
Set the GMMOptions
field throw_errors=false
to capture these errors and write them to file, but not interrupt the rest of the estimation procedure.
- when using multiple initial conditions, all iterations that error are recorded in
. If all iterations error, we havemyfit.errored=true
and several other fields are recorded asmissing
- for bootstrap results, similar rules apply. Note that inference objects (SEs, vcov, etc.) are computed dropping the bootstrap runs that errored.
messages should be displayed to remind the user that this is happenening. It is the user's responsibility to ensure this behavior is ok for their use case.
Scaling parameters. The theta_factors
option in GMMOptions()
requests that the parameters be scaled before feeding them to the optimizer. Parameter theta[i] will be replaced by theta[i] * theta_factors[i] before optimization. Rule of thumb: if theta[i]
is on the order of 10^M
, pick theta_factor[i] = 10^(-M)
Example. Suppose theta = [alpha, beta]
and we expect alpha
to be between 0 and 1 while beta
to be on the order of 0 to 1000. In general (not always) it's a good idea to scale beta
down to approximately 0 to 1, which will ensure that the optimizer "cares" similarly about alpha
and beta
. (This also helps to make sense of magnitude of the default optimizer tolerance for theta, typically called x_tol
.) We achieve this simply by selecting theta_factors=[1.0, 0.001]
. All other inputs and outputs should have the original magnitudes: initial conditions theta0
and final estimates myfit.theta_hat
Estimating a subset of parameters. See examples/example_ols_fixed.jl
- compute sensitivity measure (Andrews et al 2017)
- classical minimum distance (CMD), CUE
- more general estimation of the covariance of the moments, cluster, HAC, Newey-West, etc.
- other optimization backends (parallel tempering)
- tests
- (?) (using user-provided function to generate data from model) Monte Carlo simulation to compute size and power.
- (?) (using user-provided function to generate data from model) Monte Carlo simulation of estimation finite sample properties (simulate data for random parameter values ⇒ run GMM ⇒ compare estimated parameters with underlying true parameters)
- (?) estimate a subset of parameters with option
theta_fixed = [missing, 1.0, 9.5, missing]
to fixtheta_2=1.0
and estimate(theta_1, theta_4)
- docs
- Metrics theory recap
- Bootstrap options, including custom weihts function and an example
- walkthrough for re-running failed estimation, stability of the random initial condition and bootstrap weights
- Optimization discussion: finite vs AD, discontinuities in the objective function (e.g. due to iterated value function), (anecdotal) advantages of using the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm over Optiml.jl
- Non-linear estimation example
- Example with AD including cache data and implicit function differentiation
For related projects, see
Contributor: Peter Deffebach. For useful suggestions and conversations: Michael Creel, Jeff Gortmaker.