conda create -n SCanSNP python==3.8 conda activate SCanSNP conda install -c conda-forge r-base=3.5.1 r-ggplot2 r-mixtools r-dplyr r-robustbase r-cluster r-gridExtra git clone [email protected]:GiuseppeTestaLab/SCanSNP.git pip3 install ./SCanSNP
docker pull davidecast/scansnp:1.1.0
SCanSNP --vcf $multi_sample.vcf --barcodes $barcodes.tsv --bam $bam_file --outdir $output_directory
--mode {deconvolution,matrixgen,skipcount} anndata with ref and alt reads information [not extensively tested] deconvolution: default mode will run through the full demultiplexing given input vcf, barcodes list and bamfile matrixgen: scansnp will only generate anndata with nBarcodes x nLoci counts for each allel will be stored in adata.layers["RefReads"] and adata.layers["AltReads"] the default .X will be same as adata.layers["RefReads"] skipcount: pick up the demultiplexing starting from previously saved anndata --counts COUNTPATH: path to previously obtained anndata (--mode matrixgen) mandatory if --mode skipcount --threads NTHREADS threads to be used --segmentation Path to segmentation tsv file with barcodes X number of nuclei. When --platform visium is specified this file can be provided to improve the signal to noise calculation and will unlock the formal assignment of multiple genotypes per pack --platform {chromium,visium}
Modifications in
fixed bug:
""" Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/davide.castaldi/git/SCanSNP/SCanSNP/", line 177, in Counts = CountData(varAdata.layers["sparse_Ref"], varAdata.layers["sparse_Alt"], varAdata.var_names, varAdata.obs_names) File "/home/davide.castaldi/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/anndata/_core/", line 148, in getitem return self._data[key] KeyError: `sparse_Ref` """
by changing
Modification in
- in
class: when initializing the class,sparseAlt
matrices are transposed. This allow the program to load and correctly use a previously saved anndata (varAdata.h5ad) generated with one of the other SCanSNP modalities where both reference and alternative matrices are saved in the object as barcodes x loci matrices.
Modification in
- in
:- Added the computation for each ID of the number of negative and positive barcode and of their percentage over the total. Then:
if a certain ID has a low number of positive barcodes (in percentage), then the computation of the positive rate and the model fitting for the classification is skipped and instead we add an empty string for all the barcodes. The chosen minimum threshold is 1% of positive barcodes over the total.
if a certain ID has a low number of negative barcodes (in percentage), then the computation of the positive rate and the model fitting for the classification is skipped and instead we add that ID to all barcodes. The chosen minimum threshold is 0.5% of positive barcodes over the total.
- Added the computation for each ID of the number of negative and positive barcode and of their percentage over the total. Then:
NB: The thresholds have not been tested.