Now a days as the technology has up scaled so there is a new era of managing and handling all the records in a system present in a local drive rather than the traditional way of managing records and data.
So this project is dedicated to simple but most important concepts implementation of Core Java and the concepts of Advance Java.
In this project we perform the simple but most useful CRUD operations that are useful in the any Application.
We use Oracle DB for Database and Java for the Backend and Make GUI using the NetBeans IDE.
We used NetBeans IDE for GUI because it is user-friendly & has various kinds of features which is easy to use for a developer.
Login Menu Main Menu Main Page Fetching Data Insertion Operation Updation Operation Fetching All Data
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd my-project
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the server
npm run start
Backend: JAVA
Databases: Oracle, Mysql
IDE: Netbeans
Libraries: Ojdbc5.jar, Ojdbc6.jar, Ojdbc6_g.jar, JDK 1.8, mysql-connector-java-8.0.2
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