CustomFragmentCache gives you a simple way for defining your own fragments cache with the ability to specify expiration according to fields.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'custom_fragment_cache'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install custom_fragment_cache
Define it on ActiveRecord:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
include CustomFragmentCache
define_cache_fragment(:full_name, trigger_fields: %w(first_name last_name)) # When one of the trigger fields will be changed it will expire the cache
define_cache_fragment(:full_name, safe_fields: %w(id created_at updated_at)) # When one of the none safe fields will be changed it will expire the cache
You can also define it on ActiveRecord::Observer
class UserCache < ActiveRecord::Observer
include CustomFragmentCache
observe :user
define_cache_fragment(:full_name, trigger_fields: %w(first_name last_name))
Use custom_cache
instead of cache
<span>Hello </span>
<span><% custom_cache(User.first, :full_name) { "#{User.first.first_name} #{User.first.last_name}" } %></span>
Jbuilder support
json.custom_cache!(user, :full_name) do
json.first_name user.first_name
json.last_name user.last_name
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