presents a Hotfix for Lamp and is being released in tandem with Lamp
A couple new settings were added, including a flag for a new Lamp function which automatically updates your Automapper Scripts when you use it to update your Maps.
Due to bugs in the previous Lamp version, you may not be able to use it to update to this version. Hopefully this resolves that. Updates from have properly updated Lamp before downloading but is untested.
Build 8 was pushed into the build 7 release to fix a reversed command window visibility issue. As this comes only a day after the significant Release build 7, we are including the previous release notes below for visibility.
Version features a number of minor updates for QoL.
Added an Automapper Script Settings Window, to make the Automapper Script's settings more accessible
Added a new experimental feature: #script reload {targetscript}
This will reload a script and attempt to preserve your position within it. Significant changes to scripts cannot be accounted for and will likely cause it to crash. This is intended as a debugging tool for making minor tweaks during runtime.
Support for Images in Windows has been added.
Related config options:
- ArtDir allows you to specify a directory for images to be read from. Default is Art in the Genie Directory.
- ArtRepo allows you to specify a URL - which must point to a zip file - from which Lamp will download and unpack to the ArtDir
- ShowImages toggles the ability to display images. This defaults to On and also has a checkbox in the File Menu.
A new Command has been created for displaying images from the command line (or a script): /#img and /#image (take your pick, they're the same call). The following parameters are available. The order is not important.
>Window - Like Echo, you can specify a Window to receive the image
h:xx or height:xx - where x is your desired height, you can specify a height to resize the image to
w:xx or width:xx - where x is your desired width, you can specify a width to resize the image to
no switch is necessary for the filename
example: #img >ScriptLog h:30 w:30 bullet.png
ScrollBars should now only be visible when needed
Fixed a handful of highlight issues.
custom script extensions greater than 3 characters should no longer bleed into the scriptlist variable
added $account global variable that populates when loading your profile
improved Lamp execution, it will now wait for Lamp to launch and open the Lamp window when self-updating, before closing. Previously it was closing before it finished launching Lamp and took Lamp out with it, causing it to hang.
added parsing of variables to #script command
Added Always On Top option under Layout, which sets the entire client to stay on top of other windows.
A new config option under the Layout menu will align and size the input bar to match your Game window. This defaults to off, where it is the full length of the game client.
Errors which open the Error Dialog will now also record to the Windows Event Log
A .NET Library was updated for security
The Open Directory menu now opens the Genie directory when clicked
The min/max functions will now evaluate more than the first two values
Improved accuracy of roundtime and casttime as tied to game time
Added a new Tree View for Profiles, with a Classic Connect Window setting which defaults to on. Make sure to #save config if you want to keep this off.
Closed an infinite loop caused from launching external files (this is the cause of Genie crashing when attempting to Update)
Added $roomcolor global variable, which returns the background color of the current Node on the Mapper
Web Links now open to Browser
Default paths for Lich have been updated for Lich5
added checkboxes to Window menu which can be used to open and close windows