This is my notes after 6-7 installs.
Once the server is set up the promise of a 5 minute install holds true, but you still need to know the basics of using Docker.
Ubunutu Setup:
Following with:
Burn 16.04.3 Desktop AMD64 Aug 2017 ISO to DVD
or create a flash USB: "Startup Disk Creator" in Ubuntu Desktop
(They really should state the exact ISO to pull.)
Don’t check the boxes for “download updates or install third party software”
Force UEFI Installation:click “Go Back”
“Erase Disk and install Ubuntu”: Install Now
On first start up make sure 4.10 kernel is running by typing:
uname -a
you might have to edit grub to get 4.10 kernel to boot:
sudo gedit /etc/default/grub
sudo update-grub
Follow the directions at:
Make script files by copying out of Firefox(Chrome copies wrong)
I keeping having to run second script more than once. If so:
Remove reboot at end to make sure the second script works
You might have to run manually:
sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cuda.list
sudo apt-key add /var/nvidia-driver-local-repo-387.34/
Then run the second script again, then reboot.
Run the 3rd and forth scripts.
Software to install on local machines:
- sudo apt-get install libxss1 libappindicator1 libindicator7
- wget
- sudo dpkg -i google-chrome*.deb
- sudo apt-get install openssh-server
- sudo apt-get install terminator
- download PyCharm Community to ~/pycharm
- samba:,%20Simple%20and%20Brief%20Way!
- sudo apt-get install vnc4server
- Setup Desktop Sharing:
- Search for “Desktop Sharing”:
- Change the settings
- Yes: “Allow other users to take control”
- No: Confirm each access
- Yes: Set Password
- No: Automatically Configure ports
Using Nvidia GPU Cloud with Titan Usage:
- sudo mkdir /workspace
- cd /workspace
- sudo mkdir jobs
- cd jobs
- login(you need to paste in your key):
- docker login -u '$oauthtoken' --password-stdin <<< 'Qt4M2VkL---------Your API KEY -------3ZGZZmNIw'
- docker pull
- nvidia-docker run -it --rm --net=host --name digits -v /data:/data -v /digits-jobs:/workspace/jobs
- In a new terminal open a shell inside the workspace:
- docker exec -it digits /bin/bash
- The base directory for the frameworks(caffe/tensorflow/digits/etc) inside the container:
- cd /opt/ | ls
- To show the binaries the container has:
- cd/usr/local/bin
Other setup :
- Git clone required git repos
- Move common shell scripts to: /~ and /workspace/jobs/
Docker tasks for myself
- Write a script to start a container on system startup
Links for myself:
Useful Docker commands
- start the docker Daemon: sudo dockerd
- List containers:
- sudo docker ps
- Shell into container:
- sudo docker exec -it digits /bin/bash
- Use the ID from “docker ps” or name the container when you run it.