Simple racing/driving sim telemetry to MoTeC log conversion
Currently supports AMS2 and GT7
Due to complexities compiling library dependencies on Windows, prebuilt binaries can be found in the releases section. Each exe file is generated using pyinstaller and is a self extracting archive containing a python interpreter as well as the scripts and dependencies from this repo
If you are on a *nix OS or prefer not to override security to run an untrusted executable, then skip to Getting started with the scripts
There is a MoTeC i2 Workspace in MotecWorkspace
that is based on the worksheet here: and has been tweaked by RacingLegend1234 for use with the AMS2 channel names.
A zip file of the worksheet is available in the releases section
The AMS2 GPS co-ordinate tweaks were kindly donated by viper4r from their live event monitoring tool
git clone
cd sim-to-motec
python3 -m venv py
source py/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Convert UDP packets from the GT7 telemetry to a MoTeC i2 log file. Currently can determine the car, and potentially the venue/track which is required for MoTeC to generate a track map from the fake GPS. Expects UDP samples to arrive at 60Hz which appears to hold true even when running in 120Hz mode
A new i2 log file will be created each time the logic detects a session change, usually via the lap number decreasing.
There is an option enable logging of replays, but this can result in unwanted log file creation.
python --driver "Wilma Cargo"
python [-h] [--name NAME] [--driver DRIVER] [--session SESSION] [--vehicle VEHICLE] [--venue VENUE] [--freq FREQ] [--saveraw] [--loadraw] addr
positional arguments:
addr ip address of playstation or raw file
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--driver DRIVER Driver name
--session SESSION Session e.g. Practice, Qualify, Race
--vehicle VEHICLE Override name of vehicle
--venue VENUE Override Venue/Track name
--replay log replay telemetry
--freq FREQ frequency to collect samples, currently ignored
--saveraw save raw samples to an sqlite3 db for later analysis
--loadraw load raw samples from an sqlite3 db
The CSV file containing the car IDs used to determine the vehicle name can be updated via the following command:
curl -o stm/gt7/db/cars.csv
Same for the Track IDs for the detection logic:
curl -o stm/gt7/db/course.csv
Convert AMS2 samples from shared memory to MoTeC i2 log files. Currently can detect the car and venue as well as the session type.
python [-h] [--freq FREQ] [--saveraw] [--loadraw LOADRAW]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--freq FREQ frequency (Hz) to collect samples
--saveraw save raw samples to an sqlite3 db for later analysis
--loadraw LOADRAW load raw samples from an sqlite3 db
The base logger supports saving the raw samples to an sqlite3 db under logs/raw
for later analysis or playback. These files can get pretty large over extended sessions.
There is a RawSampler which can read in an sqlite3 db and 'replay' the samples through a logger to allow offline development or debugging.
The current loggers support this via the --loadraw
parameter e.g.
python --loadraw logs/raw/ams2/1679937106.db
Sampler -> Logger -> MoTeC
- Sampler collects the raw UDP/Memory packets from the SIM and queues them
- Logger converts and saves samples and decides if a new session/log is to be created, optionally saving the raw samples for later playback
- MoTeC creates a MoTeC i2 ld and ldx file from the collected samples and laptimes
Sampler and Logger are Sim specific, but they have BaseSampler and BaseLogger to handle the core loops and common functions like adding samples, saving a log file and starting a new one
python -m unittest discover -v -s stm -p '*'
- port AC UDP logger from
- AMS2 GPS Details from
- GT7 telemetry decode
- Salsa20
- GT7 DB Files:
- GT7 track detection