The official flutter plugin project for geetest. Support Flutter 2.0. 极验3.0 Flutter 官方插件。支持 Flutter 2.0。
在工程 pubspec.yaml
中 dependencies
Follow the steps below to set up dependencies in project pubspec.yaml
Github 集成 / Github integration
ref: master
或 / or
pub 集成 / pub integration
gt3_flutter_plugin: 0.1.1
请在 官网/Official 申请验证 ID(gt)和 Key,并部署配套的后端接口。详细介绍请查阅:部署说明
Create your IDs and keys (GeeTest CAPTCHA V3) on GeeTest dashboard, and deploy the corresponding back-end API based on GeeTest documents.
Gt3FlutterPlugin captcha = Gt3FlutterPlugin();
或 / or
Gt3CaptchaConfig config = Gt3CaptchaConfig();
config.language = 'en'; // 设置语言为英文 Set English as the CAPTCHA language
config.cornerRadius = 5.0; // 设置圆角大小为 5.0 Set the corner radius to 5.0
config.timeout = 5.0; // 设置每个请求的超时时间为 5.0 Set the timeout for each request to 5.0 seconds
Gt3FlutterPlugin captcha = Gt3FlutterPlugin(config);
// 从服务端接口获取验证参数 Get validation parameters from the server API
Gt3RegisterData registerData = Gt3RegisterData(
gt: ..., // 验证ID,从极验后台创建 Verify ID, created from the geetest dashboard
challenge: ..., // 从极验服务动态获取 Gain challenges from geetest
success: ...); // 对极验服务的心跳检测 Check if it is success
Process callback
onShow: (Map<String, dynamic> message) async {
// TO-DO
// 验证视图已展示 the captcha view is displayed
debugPrint("Captcha did show");
onClose: (Map<String, dynamic> message) async {
// TO-DO
// 验证视图已关闭 the captcha view is closed
debugPrint("Captcha did close");
onResult: (Map<String, dynamic> message) async {
debugPrint("Captcha result: " + message.toString());
String code = message["code"];
if (code == "1") {
// TO-DO
// 发送 message["result"] 中的数据向 B 端的业务服务接口进行查询
// 对结果进行二次校验 validate the result
debugPrint("Captcha result code : " + code);
else {
// 终端用户完成验证失败,自动重试 If the verification fails, it will be automatically retried.
debugPrint("Captcha result code : " + code);
onError: (Map<String, dynamic> message) async {
debugPrint("Captcha error: " + message.toString());
String code = message["code"];
// 处理验证中返回的错误 Handling errors returned in verification
if (Platform.isAndroid) { // Android 平台
if (code == "-2") {
// Dart 调用异常 Call exception
} else if (code == "-1") {
// Gt3RegisterData 参数不合法 Parameter is invalid
else if (code == "201") {
// 网络无法访问 Network inaccessible
else if (code == "202") {
// Json 解析错误 Analysis error
else if (code == "204") {
// WebView 加载超时,请检查是否混淆极验 SDK Load timed out
else if (code == "204_1") {
// WebView 加载前端页面错误,请查看日志 Error loading front-end page, please check the log
else if (code == "204_2") {
// WebView 加载 SSLError
else if (code == "206") {
// gettype 接口错误或返回为 null API error or return null
else if (code == "207") {
// getphp 接口错误或返回为 null API error or return null
else if (code == "208") {
// ajax 接口错误或返回为 null API error or return null
else {
// 更多错误码参考开发文档 More error codes refer to the development document
if (Platform.isIOS) { // iOS 平台
if (code == "-1009") {
// 网络无法访问 Network inaccessible
else if (code == "-1004") {
// 无法查找到 HOST Unable to find HOST
else if (code == "-1002") {
// 非法的 URL Illegal URL
else if (code == "-1001") {
// 网络超时 Network timeout
else if (code == "-999") {
// 请求被意外中断, 一般由用户进行取消操作导致 The interrupted request was usually caused by the user cancelling the operation
else if (code == "-21") {
// 使用了重复的 challenge Duplicate challenges are used
// 检查获取 challenge 是否进行了缓存 Check if the fetch challenge is cached
else if (code == "-20") {
// 尝试过多, 重新引导用户触发验证即可 Try too many times, lead the user to request verification again
else if (code == "-10") {
// 预判断时被封禁, 不会再进行图形验证 Banned during pre-judgment, and no more image captcha verification
else if (code == "-2") {
// Dart 调用异常 Call exception
} else if (code == "-1") {
// Gt3RegisterData 参数不合法 Parameter is invalid
else {
// 更多错误码参考开发文档 More error codes refer to the development document