Serveo is an SSH server just for remote port forwarding, which doesn't require an account or client software. is a wrapper that allows users to expose their application to the public easily through
./ <local_port> [remote_port]
./ <local_port>
#if you wish to change the subdomain, do
./ <local_port> [remote_port] change
The script requires the following tools to be installed on your system:
- nmap - For network and port scanning.
- nikto - For web server vulnerability scanning.
- curl - For checking HTTP security headers.
- openssl - For SSL certificate checks.
Nmap ("Network Mapper") is a free and open-source utility for network discovery and security auditing.
sudo apt install nmap
Nikto is an open-source web server scanner that checks for vulnerabilities such as misconfigurations and outdated software.
sudo apt install nikto
Curl is a tool for transferring data using various network protocols and is useful for testing HTTP headers.
sudo apt install curl
OpenSSL is a robust toolkit for SSL and TLS protocols, allowing you to check SSL certificates.
sudo apt install openssl
The script performs the following security checks on your web application:
- Port Scanning: Using nmap, it checks for open ports and services running on the target server.
- Vulnerability Scanning: Using nikto, it scans for known vulnerabilities on the web server.
- Security Headers: Using curl, it checks if HTTP security headers (such as HSTS and CSP) are properly configured.
- SSL Check: Using openssl, it checks the validity of the SSL certificate.
./ <target_url> <target_ip>
This shell script performs SQL injection checks on a web application. It leverages the powerful sqlmap
tool to detect SQL injection vulnerabilities in web applications that interact with MySQL databases.
Before running the script, ensure the following tool is installed on your system:
- sqlmap - Automated SQL injection detection and exploitation tool.
is a powerful tool for automating the detection and exploitation of SQL injection flaws.
You can install sqlmap
using pip (the Python package manager):
For Python 2 or Python 3:
pip install sqlmap
./ <target_url> <parameter>