I remaster the distant dimmer with the new ALL in dimmer from Robotdyn ( and support 8A !! )
make a git clone of the project and use Visual Studio Code for build and upload to the board.
by default, D0 and D1 is used and solt on the board. D2 can be used by a Dallas 18b20, I explaint after how to make the small board
D5 D6 and D7 is configured (configured for a lolin NodeMCU)
On Visual Studio upload firmware AND filesystem.
at the first start, the wemos use the Wifimanager for configure the Wifi. It create a new Wifi AP 'dimmer', connect on it at and configure your Wifi
Start -->> New Wifi :
New Wifi -->> Configure:
Configure -->> Start : wifi configured
Start -->> Run : Open Website and Dim
You can update your firmware directly by the url /update it's open OTA web page, and you can push the firmware or filesystem.
for generating firmware, on Visualstudio/ plateform IO, use the build option the build firmware is stored at .pio\build\d1_mini\firmware.elf folder
You can control the power by an HTTP request :
Control : http://IP/?POWER=xx the max power limit is configured on the config.html page
Website -->> Dimmer : ?POWER=x
Dimmer -->> Website : Apply
you can send the command by you domotic server or your pv router
You can control directly the dimmer with this PV router code https://github.com/xlyric/pv-router-esp32
It use this pv routeur,
The board was sold by a French Association ( APPER ) and a TTGO Tdisplay, A SCT013-30 and AC12 power supply need to be bought separatly
The board is open source and freely for non commercial usage.
You can now chaine multiple dimmers 2 options : equal : send the same command to the other dimmer delest (surplus) : send command to the other dimmer when the maximum power is reached on the first dimmer.
You can use dallas 18b20 Probe for limit the temperature of your water tank the limit temp configuration is on /config.html page.
if you need a password for connect to your mosquitto (MQTT) serveur, the information of connection is in the file config.h
with actual version of arduino GUI or VS, the librairie not working ( memory problem ) I modify the librairie and is called in the lib_deps variable lib_deps = https://github.com/xlyric/RBDDimmer
and called by plateformio.ini file
on a test plate, solder the long female pin from your Wemos D1 mini
( I cut the 3rd pin ( RX ) I use the place for GND connector )
solder a 5.6kOhms resistance between 3.3V hole ( first hole ) and D2 ( last hole ) and sold 3.3V - GND and D2 to your Dallas 18b20 or add connector
you can now connect the board to the main board
A printed Board look like this