This Ansible role will deploy RKE2 Kubernetes Cluster. RKE2 will be installed using the tarball method.
The Role can install the RKE2 in 3 modes:
RKE2 single node
RKE2 Cluster with one Server(Master) node and one or more Agent(Worker) nodes
RKE2 Cluster with Server(Master) in High Availability mode and zero or more Agent(Worker) nodes. In HA mode you should have an odd number (three recommended) of server(master) nodes that will run etcd, the Kubernetes API (Keepalived VIP address), and other control plane services.
- Ansible 2.10+
- CentOS 8
- Ubuntu 20.04 TLS
This is a copy of defaults/main.yml
# The node type - server or agent
rke_type: server
# Deploy the control plane in HA mode
rke2_ha_mode: false
# Kubernetes API and RKE2 registration IP address. The default Address is the IPv4 of the Server/Master node.
# In HA mode choose a static IP which will be set as VIP in keepalived.
rke2_api_ip: "{{ hostvars[groups[rke2_servers_group_name].0]['ansible_default_ipv4']['address'] }}"
# Add additional SANs in k8s API TLS cert
rke2_additional_sans: []
# API Server destination port
rke2_apiserver_dest_port: 6443
# If false, server node(s) will be schedulable and thus your workloads can get launched on them
rke2_server_taint: false
# Pre-shared secret token that other server or agent nodes will register with when connecting to the cluster
rke2_token: defaultSecret12345
# RKE2 version
rke2_version: v1.22.4+rke2r2
# URL to RKE2 repository
# URL to RKE2 install bash script
# e.g. rancher chinase mirror
# Destination directory for RKE2 installation script
rke2_install_script_dir: /var/tmp
# RKE2 channel
rke2_channel: stable
# Do not deploy packaged components and delete any deployed components
# Valid items: rke2-canal, rke2-coredns, rke2-ingress-nginx, rke2-kube-proxy, rke2-metrics-server
# Path to custom manifests deployed during the RKE2 installation
# Deploy RKE2 and set the custom containerd images registries
rke2_custom_registry: false
# Path to Container registry config file template
rke2_custom_registry_path: templates/registries.yaml.j2
# Override default containerd snapshotter
rke2_snapshooter: overlayfs
# Deploy RKE2 with default CNI canal
rke2_cni: canal
# Download Kubernetes config file to the Ansible controller
rke2_download_kubeconf: false
# Name of the Kubernetes config file will be downloaded to the Ansible controller
rke2_download_kubeconf_file_name: rke2.yaml
# Destination directory where the Kubernetes config file will be downloaded to the Ansible controller
rke2_download_kubeconf_path: /tmp
# Default Ansible Inventory Group name for RKE2 cluster
rke2_cluster_group_name: k8s_cluster
# Default Ansible Inventory Group name for RKE2 Servers
rke2_servers_group_name: masters
# Default Ansible Inventory Group name for RKE2 Agents
rke2_agents_group_name: workers
# (Optional) A list of Kubernetes API server flags
# All flags can be found here
# rke2_kube_apiserver_args: []
# (Optional) List of Node labels
# k8s_node_label: []
# (Optional) Additional RKE2 server configuration options
# You could find the flags at
# rke2_server_options:
# - "option: value"
# (Optional) Additional RKE2 agent configuration options
# You could find the flags at
# rke2_agent_options:
# - "option: value"
This role relies on nodes distribution to masters
and workers
inventory groups.
The RKE2 Kubernetes master/server nodes must belong to masters
group and worker/agent nodes must be the members of workers
group. Both groups has to be the children of k8s_cluster
master-01 ansible_host= rke2_type=server
master-02 ansible_host= rke2_type=server
master-03 ansible_host= rke2_type=server
worker-01 ansible_host= rke2_type=agent
worker-02 ansible_host= rke2_type=agent
worker-03 ansible_host= rke2_type=agent
This playbook will deploy RKE2 to a single node acting as both server and agent.
- name: Deploy RKE2
hosts: node
become: yes
- role: lablabs.rke2
This playbook will deploy RKE2 to a cluster with one server(master) and several agent(worker) nodes.
- name: Deploy RKE2
hosts: all
become: yes
- role: lablabs.rke2
This playbook will deploy RKE2 to a cluster with HA server(master) control-plane and several agent(worker) nodes. The server(master) nodes will be tainted so the workload will be distributed only on worker/agent nodes. The role will install also keepalived on the control-plane nodes and setup VIP address where the Kubernetes API will be reachable. it will also download the Kubernetes config file to the local machine.
- name: Deploy RKE2
hosts: all
become: yes
rke2_ha_mode: true
rke2_server_taint: true
rke2_api_ip :
rke2_download_kubeconf: true
- role: lablabs.rke2
Created in 2021 by Labyrinth Labs