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- A : move left
- D : move right
- S : Duck under obstacles
- W : Jump over obstacles
- G : Change to greyscale mode
- Player and police in a chase sequence.
- Obstacle course with 3 lanes.
- Type 1 obstacle to slow down player.
- Type 2 obstacle to kill player.
- Moving Trains that reduce life of player on collision.
- Coins on the lanes.
- Flying boost to make player fly.
- Jumping boots to increase height of jump.
- Shader tasks ie greyscale, flashing walls and sky and textured tracks.
- Used textures for all objects in the game efficiently.
- Flashing textured sky.
- Life key boost to increase life of player. This can be collected from the sky after receiving the flying boost.
- 2 kinds on Moving trains to reduce life of player.
- Running police dog that mimics player.