email spoofer By GUCHIH and Zereza
sudo apt install sendemail git
git clone
cd emailspoof
chmod +x
pip install -r requirements.txt
Create a account in the web
Then go to the top right click on your user choose the STMP and API menu generate an api key put the name you want, then give it to SMTP and copy your master key.
Put the email of your sendingblue acount and your master key in this part of the code.
def send_email():
username = "HERE" # <--------- Put your sendinblue email HERE
password = "HERE" # <--------- Put your sendinblue master key HERE
Run the tool
to stop the tool do Ctrl + C in the terminal and close window the browser tab.
If the tool not stop execute this command
sudo killall python
I am not responsible for the use that is given to this tool.
This tool is inspired by my friend zereza's here is the link to her github repository zereza's repository.
thank you i love you:)