Releases: GSA/sam-design-system
Releases · GSA/sam-design-system
- [breaking] Pull bootstrap tooltip and popover into SDS #1331
- [bugfix] Update Pagination labels to match designs #1562
- [bugfix] Update roles in tree-table to pass ARIA1.1 check #1549
- [bugfix] Update Stackblitz Generation Script #1532
- [bugfix] Add Condition To Prevent Horizontal Filter Without Label #1530
- [bugfix] Add popper peer dep to packages #1494
- [bugfix] Fix Filters In Horizontal Filters #1512
- [bugfix] Add 508 warning to demo #1414
- [bugfix] Add Missing Demos #1383
- [bugfix] Add property for additional message when required validator applied to type=datepicker #1444
- [bugfix] Allow icon to be removed without destroying directive #1426
- [bugfix] 1388: Update Formly Autocomplete to make sure ID in label and Autocomplete Input match #1409
- [bugfix] fixed tag mode dropdown #1401
- [bugfix] Gh pages checkbox #1381
- [closed] Action Menu secondary color added #1564
- [closed] Formly button type is updated to support to add field dynamically #1487
- [closed] Version updated to 17.0.10 #1560
- [closed] 508 Jaws reading validation message dynamically #1559
- [closed] attr.aria-describedby updated for input, datepicker, checkbox #1555
- [closed] 508 changes for sds-table expand #1545
- [closed] text area dropdown update #1546
- [closed] Version updated to 17.0.11 #1543
- [closed] Marked as dirty after clearing the input value #1541
- [closed] Input label wrapper having extra space and Flagpath null check #1537
- [closed] 508 Jaws fix: Updated role to support the list/list item for the autocomplete #1531
- [closed] Sidenav demo added with multi level and custom styles #1528
- [closed] Autocomplete Removed clear text in single selection mode #1527
- [closed] update demo and sam-formly text-area #1519
- [closed] Increment version to 17.0.8 #1517
- [closed] Top banner Flag path input added to configure the flag image #1511
- [closed] remove shadow from action button #1504
- [closed] Autocomplete clear text on selection in freetext mode #1505
- [closed] formly-form label wrapper tooltip Margin Position Customization #1481
- [closed] Sb stepper #1480
- [closed] Dev dependency packages are update to not to use force #1332
- [closed] Version updated to 17.0.6 #1469
- [closed] Horizontal Filter - Allow 'Reset' to clear keyword input #1479
- [closed] File info: Formly type - div is focusable but lacks a role attribute #1467
- [closed] Fix for the Button group is showing additional checkmark next to the selected button. #1466
- [closed] Alert error modal icon changes #1465
- [closed] Angular 17 and Storybook 8 upgrade changes #1461
- [closed] remove ng class #1459
- [closed] Update logic on Autocomplete focusRemoved function #1421
- [closed] Update package to allow formly demos to work in v16 #1378
- [closed] Update table row to support adding additional classes #1377
- [closed] Fix GH Pages deployment #1364
- [closed] Text area width #1450
- [closed] Version updated to 16.0.16 #1432
- [closed] Search close icon overlap #1431
- [closed] Side nav enhancements #1419
- [closed] Text prefix removed for formly input #1424
- [closed] Radio button demo breaking with label #1418
- [closed] V 16.0.14 #1416
- [closed] Formly dialog Disable submit button functionality changes #1412
- [closed] Radio button to accept the custom option class name changes #1411
- [closed] Search focus change and Icon replace #1410
- [closed] Radio description ID for aria describe by property #1407
- [closed] 508 autocomplete, action menu and release version changes #1404
- [closed] Version updated to 16.0.11 #1403
- [closed] Textarea maxlength #1402
- [closed] Revert the description changes for the Radio button #1393
- [closed] Input enhancement adding callback function for the prefix/suffix and description for the radio button #1389
- [closed] Input clear icon fix and added input affix and prefix and updated version #1385
- [closed] Version 16.0.9 #1384
- [closed] Storybook file input demo fix #1373
- [closed] checkbox label changes for storybook demo #1372
- [closed] SDS version updates #1370
- [closed] Storybook demo: Side nav #1367
- [enhancement] New sds Progress bar component added #1554
- [enhancement] Add input to button-group to support modular dashboard #1548
- [enhancement] Add input to allow for table header to be colored #1561
- [enhancement] Delete functionality #1498
- [enhancement] Update validateStepsOnInit to allow only selected steps to be validated onInit #1550
- [enhancement] 1536 entity registration modules mvp stepper always enable review page even if there are formly errors #1544
- [enhancement] Update storybook to v8 #1452
- [enhancement] Update workflows to use the same build workflow #1417
- [enhancement] Adding support for pr-branches #1397
- [enhancement] Autocomplete checkbox new #1379
What's Changed
- update demo and sam-formly text-area by @shayan-roshan in #1519
- Autocomplete Removed clear text in single selection mode by @yerramshilpa in #1527
- Sidenav demo added with multi level and custom styles by @yerramshilpa in #1528
- Add Condition To Prevent Horizontal Filter Without Label by @cwolf10 in #1530
Full Changelog: v17.0.8...v17.0.9
What's Changed
- Sb stepper by @shayan-roshan in #1480
- formly-form label wrapper tooltip Margin Position Customization by @yerramshilpa in #1481
- Autocomplete clear text on selection in freetext mode by @yerramshilpa in #1505
- remove shadow from action button by @shayan-roshan in #1504
- Add popper peer dep to packages by @cwolf10 in #1494
- Top banner Flag path input added to configure the flag image by @yerramshilpa in #1511
- Fix Filters In Horizontal Filters by @cwolf10 in #1512
- Increment version to 17.0.8 by @cwolf10 in #1517
Full Changelog: v17.0.7...v17.0.8
What's Changed
- File info: Formly type - div is focusable but lacks a role attribute by @yerramshilpa in #1467
- Horizontal Filter - Allow 'Reset' to clear keyword input by @yerramshilpa in #1479
- Version updated to 17.0.6 by @yerramshilpa in #1469
- Pull bootstrap tooltip and popover into SDS by @cwolf10 in #1331
Full Changelog: v17.0.6...v17.0.7
- [Dependency] Version 11.0.14 #877
- [breaking] Deprecate toolbar and icons #854
- [bugfix] Add property for additional message when required validator applied to type=datepicker #1444
- [bugfix] Allow icon to be removed without destroying directive #1426
- [bugfix] Add 508 warning to demo #1414
- [bugfix] 1388: Update Formly Autocomplete to make sure ID in label and Autocomplete Input match #1409
- [bugfix] fixed tag mode dropdown #1401
- [bugfix] Add Missing Demos #1383
- [bugfix] Gh pages checkbox #1381
- [bugfix] Date picker icon #1338
- [bugfix] 1329: Fix issue with stepper #1333
- [bugfix] Resolve usa-accordion issues with sds-filters #867
- [bugfix] Stepper updates #862
- [bugfix] Update selection panel to recursively select children #861
- [bugfix] Fix issue where hidden siblings are also displayed during checkForHide #752
- [bugfix] Making video Player Responsive #413
- [bugfix] make optional params for SearchSettings optional #756
- [bugfix] Remove ngOnChange in layout #764
- [bugfix] Update icon module reference for stepper unit test #763
- [bugfix] 1123: Update demo to allow for tabbing #1275
- [bugfix] Sds formly fileinput #1273
- [closed] Text area width #1450
- [closed] Version updated to 16.0.16 #1432
- [closed] Search close icon overlap #1431
- [closed] Update logic on Autocomplete focusRemoved function #1421
- [closed] Side nav enhancements #1419
- [closed] Text prefix removed for formly input #1424
- [closed] Radio button demo breaking with label #1418
- [closed] V 16.0.14 #1416
- [closed] Formly dialog Disable submit button functionality changes #1412
- [closed] Radio button to accept the custom option class name changes #1411
- [closed] Search focus change and Icon replace #1410
- [closed] Radio description ID for aria describe by property #1407
- [closed] 508 autocomplete, action menu and release version changes #1404
- [closed] Version updated to 16.0.11 #1403
- [closed] Textarea maxlength #1402
- [closed] Revert the description changes for the Radio button #1393
- [closed] Input enhancement adding callback function for the prefix/suffix and description for the radio button #1389
- [closed] Input clear icon fix and added input affix and prefix and updated version #1385
- [closed] Version 16.0.9 #1384
- [closed] Update table row to support adding additional classes #1377
- [closed] Update package to allow formly demos to work in v16 #1378
- [closed] Storybook file input demo fix #1373
- [closed] checkbox label changes for storybook demo #1372
- [closed] SDS version updates #1370
- [closed] Storybook demo: Side nav #1367
- [closed] Select All function change #1366
- [closed] Source code addon #1369
- [closed] Fix GH Pages deployment #1364
- [closed] Version 16.0.7 #1363
- [closed] fixed border around disabled button #1350
- [closed] Disable submit button on Modal change #1361
- [closed] Ng16 #1342
- [closed] Angular 16 upgrade and story book updagrade #1359
- [closed] 1340: Update node version to resolve SB build error #1341
- [closed] Clear icon added to the input component #1322
- [closed] V15.0.4 #1339
- [closed] Increment to v15.0.3 #1337
- [closed] Dev dependency packages are update to not to use force #1332
- [closed] sb formly file info #1203
- [closed] Clean up codeowners #1159
- [closed] Data entry #749
- [closed] Horizontal filters #760
- [closed] fix sb icons stackblitz #1266
- [closed] added pre tag #1256
- [closed] remove tooltip and add pre tag #1259
- [closed] fixed formly select configurable #1235
- [closed] sb formly editor #1205
- [closed] Merging Angular 14 into master #1269
- [closed] Sb formly autocomplete #1258
- [closed] fixed pre tag alignment #1298
- [closed] fixed lint #1302
- [closed] Update sam package versions to fix stackblitz issues #1312
- [closed] Padding added for download model content #1150
- [closed] Release version updated to 13.0.6 #1126
- [enhancement] Update workflows to use the same build workflow #1417
- [enhancement] Adding support for pr-branches #1397
- [enhancement] Autocomplete checkbox new #1379
- [enhancement] Custom width and animation time for Slide Out component #874
- [enhancement] Treat label inputs as base html for checkbox and radios #869
- [enhancement] Step indicator directives #765
- [enhancement] Add tabs formly type #766
- [Dependency] Version 11.0.14 #877
- [breaking] Deprecate toolbar and icons #854
- [bugfix] Allow icon to be removed without destroying directive #1426
- [bugfix] Add 508 warning to demo #1414
- [bugfix] 1388: Update Formly Autocomplete to make sure ID in label and Autocomplete Input match #1409
- [bugfix] fixed tag mode dropdown #1401
- [bugfix] Add Missing Demos #1383
- [bugfix] Gh pages checkbox #1381
- [bugfix] Date picker icon #1338
- [bugfix] 1329: Fix issue with stepper #1333
- [bugfix] Resolve usa-accordion issues with sds-filters #867
- [bugfix] Stepper updates #862
- [bugfix] Update selection panel to recursively select children #861
- [bugfix] Fix issue where hidden siblings are also displayed during checkForHide #752
- [bugfix] Making video Player Responsive #413
- [bugfix] make optional params for SearchSettings optional #756
- [bugfix] Remove ngOnChange in layout #764
- [bugfix] Update icon module reference for stepper unit test #763
- [bugfix] 1123: Update demo to allow for tabbing #1275
- [bugfix] Sds formly fileinput #1273
- [closed] Search close icon overlap #1431
- [closed] Update logic on Autocomplete focusRemoved function #1421
- [closed] Side nav enhancements #1419
- [closed] Text prefix removed for formly input #1424
- [closed] Radio button demo breaking with label #1418
- [closed] V 16.0.14 #1416
- [closed] Formly dialog Disable submit button functionality changes #1412
- [closed] Radio button to accept the custom option class name changes #1411
- [closed] Search focus change and Icon replace #1410
- [closed] Radio description ID for aria describe by property #1407
- [closed] 508 autocomplete, action menu and release version changes #1404
- [closed] Version updated to 16.0.11 #1403
- [closed] Textarea maxlength #1402
- [closed] Revert the description changes for the Radio button #1393
- [closed] Input enhancement adding callback function for the prefix/suffix and description for the radio button #1389
- [closed] Input clear icon fix and added input affix and prefix and updated version #1385
- [closed] Version 16.0.9 #1384
- [closed] Update table row to support adding additional classes #1377
- [closed] Update package to allow formly demos to work in v16 #1378
- [closed] Storybook file input demo fix #1373
- [closed] checkbox label changes for storybook demo #1372
- [closed] SDS version updates #1370
- [closed] Storybook demo: Side nav #1367
- [closed] Select All function change #1366
- [closed] Source code addon #1369
- [closed] Fix GH Pages deployment #1364
- [closed] Version 16.0.7 #1363
- [closed] fixed border around disabled button #1350
- [closed] Disable submit button on Modal change #1361
- [closed] Ng16 #1342
- [closed] Angular 16 upgrade and story book updagrade #1359
- [closed] 1340: Update node version to resolve SB build error #1341
- [closed] Clear icon added to the input component #1322
- [closed] V15.0.4 #1339
- [closed] Increment to v15.0.3 #1337
- [closed] Dev dependency packages are update to not to use force #1332
- [closed] sb formly file info #1203
- [closed] Clean up codeowners #1159
- [closed] Data entry #749
- [closed] Horizontal filters #760
- [closed] fix sb icons stackblitz #1266
- [closed] remove tooltip and add pre tag #1259
- [closed] added pre tag #1256
- [closed] fixed formly select configurable #1235
- [closed] sb formly editor #1205
- [closed] Merging Angular 14 into master #1269
- [closed] Sb formly autocomplete #1258
- [closed] fixed pre tag alignment #1298
- [closed] fixed lint #1302
- [closed] Update sam package versions to fix stackblitz issues #1312
- [closed] Padding added for download model content #1150
- [closed] Release version updated to 13.0.6 #1126
- [closed] Action menu text #1124
- [closed] Date validator : Updated to accept min and max on or before/ after date #1151
- [closed] Removed api, added service and delay time #1176
- [closed] Add tabs demo to storybook #1173
- [enhancement] Update workflows to use the same build workflow #1417
- [enhancement] Adding support for pr-branches #1397
- [enhancement] Autocomplete checkbox new #1379
- [enhancement] Custom width and animation time for Slide Out component #874
- [enhancement] Treat label inputs as base html for checkbox and radios #869
- [enhancement] Step indicator directives #765
- [enhancement] Add tabs formly type #766
- [Dependency] Version 11.0.14 #877
- [breaking] Deprecate toolbar and icons #854
- [bugfix] 1388: Update Formly Autocomplete to make sure ID in label and Autocomplete Input match #1409
- [bugfix] fixed tag mode dropdown #1401
- [bugfix] Add Missing Demos #1383
- [bugfix] Gh pages checkbox #1381
- [bugfix] Date picker icon #1338
- [bugfix] 1329: Fix issue with stepper #1333
- [bugfix] Resolve usa-accordion issues with sds-filters #867
- [bugfix] Stepper updates #862
- [bugfix] Update selection panel to recursively select children #861
- [bugfix] Fix issue where hidden siblings are also displayed during checkForHide #752
- [bugfix] Making video Player Responsive #413
- [bugfix] make optional params for SearchSettings optional #756
- [bugfix] Remove ngOnChange in layout #764
- [bugfix] Update icon module reference for stepper unit test #763
- [bugfix] 1123: Update demo to allow for tabbing #1275
- [bugfix] Sds formly fileinput #1273
- [closed] V 16.0.14 #1416
- [closed] Formly dialog Disable submit button functionality changes #1412
- [closed] Radio button to accept the custom option class name changes #1411
- [closed] Search focus change and Icon replace #1410
- [closed] Radio description ID for aria describe by property #1407
- [closed] 508 autocomplete, action menu and release version changes #1404
- [closed] Version updated to 16.0.11 #1403
- [closed] Textarea maxlength #1402
- [closed] Revert the description changes for the Radio button #1393
- [closed] Input enhancement adding callback function for the prefix/suffix and description for the radio button #1389
- [closed] Input clear icon fix and added input affix and prefix and updated version #1385
- [closed] Version 16.0.9 #1384
- [closed] Update table row to support adding additional classes #1377
- [closed] Update package to allow formly demos to work in v16 #1378
- [closed] Storybook file input demo fix #1373
- [closed] checkbox label changes for storybook demo #1372
- [closed] SDS version updates #1370
- [closed] Storybook demo: Side nav #1367
- [closed] Select All function change #1366
- [closed] Source code addon #1369
- [closed] Fix GH Pages deployment #1364
- [closed] Version 16.0.7 #1363
- [closed] fixed border around disabled button #1350
- [closed] Disable submit button on Modal change #1361
- [closed] Ng16 #1342
- [closed] Angular 16 upgrade and story book updagrade #1359
- [closed] 1340: Update node version to resolve SB build error #1341
- [closed] Clear icon added to the input component #1322
- [closed] V15.0.4 #1339
- [closed] Increment to v15.0.3 #1337
- [closed] Dev dependency packages are update to not to use force #1332
- [closed] sb formly file info #1203
- [closed] Clean up codeowners #1159
- [closed] Data entry #749
- [closed] Horizontal filters #760
- [closed] fix sb icons stackblitz #1266
- [closed] remove tooltip and add pre tag #1259
- [closed] added pre tag #1256
- [closed] fixed formly select configurable #1235
- [closed] sb formly editor #1205
- [closed] Merging Angular 14 into master #1269
- [closed] Sb formly autocomplete #1258
- [closed] fixed pre tag alignment #1298
- [closed] fixed lint #1302
- [closed] Update sam package versions to fix stackblitz issues #1312
- [closed] Padding added for download model content #1150
- [closed] Release version updated to 13.0.6 #1126
- [closed] Action menu text #1124
- [closed] Date validator : Updated to accept min and max on or before/ after date #1151
- [closed] Removed api, added service and delay time #1176
- [closed] Add tabs demo to storybook #1173
- [closed] Storybook formly dialog demo #1193
- [closed] Autocomplete Keyboard selection not working #1283
- [closed] Table: Margin left added to the expansion column as it was having extra space #1294
- [closed] Tooltip icon changes #1247
- [enhancement] Adding support for pr-branches #1397
- [enhancement] Autocomplete checkbox new #1379
- [enhancement] Custom width and animation time for Slide Out component #874
- [enhancement] Treat label inputs as base html for checkbox and radios #869
- [enhancement] Step indicator directives #765
- [enhancement] Add tabs formly type #766