It is inspired by the resources below. It is somewhat simpler because it is tuned for use with GLYCAM-Web.
BashfulBandit's Docker-Traefic repo:
A useful post in the Conainous community forums:
- docker-compose.traefik.swarm.https.yml
- docker-compose.traefik.swarm.nohttps.yml
- logs
These are the YAML files used by Docker-Compose to deploy the Traefik Reverse Proxy. It is configured to be used in our Docker Swarm.
As the names imply, one contains all information except https. The other one adds https capabilities. Docker stack deploy allows for the use of multiple compose files.
The directory storing the logs from Traefik.
All of the web traffic access logs from Traefik.
All of the logs coming from Traefik on what and how it is working.
Currently, this is set to produce debugging logs, so the file can get large.
In productionl it will be worth changing the level to ERROR to limit the size.
These scripts start the GLYCAM Traefik Reverse Proxy and the Docker Overlay Network for the Traefik Service. The 'nohttps' version does not attempt to add tls for https. The plain '' adds https.
This is a script to stop the GLYCAM Traefik Reverse Proxy and remove the Docker Overlay Network used by the Traefik Service.
This file.
git clone
cd GLYCAM_Traefik_Proxy