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This project contains


  • Maven Configuration: The project is built and managed using Maven. Configuration settings are located in pom.xml.
  • SLF4J Configuration: Logging is handled by SLF4J, with configuration settings in src/main/resources/
  • JAXB Example: Demonstrates how to write Java objects into XML files, located in the package es.upm.pproject.examples.jaxb.
  • JUnit5 Annotations Examples: Showcases the use of JUnit5 annotations for testing, found in the package es.upm.pproject.examples.testing.

Project Structure

This project is organized into several key directories, each serving a specific purpose in the development and execution of the application. Below is an overview of the project's folder structure and a brief description of each directory's contents.

  • deliverables: Contains all the issues we divided the project into in order to manage the development.
  • log: Saves the output of the project once you run it.
  • src/main/java/es/upm/pproject/sokoban
    • controller: Contains classes responsible for handling the game's logic and interactions between the model and view.
      • Implements the game's control logic, managing game states and user actions.
      • Defines the interface for the game controller, outlining the methods that must be implemented.
    • exceptions: Custom exception class.
      • Thrown when an invalid level is encountered or fails to load.
    • model: Holds the core classes that represent the game's data model.
      • Represents a single level in the game.
      • Defines the interface for a game level.
      • Represents a game session, containing the current level, score and game state.
      • Outlines the methods for managing a game session.
      • Represents the game board, including the positions of walls, boxes, and the player.
      • Specifies the functionalities required for a game board.
    • view: Contains classes related to the graphical user interface of the game.
      • imagenes: Stores image files used in the game's GUI, such as icons and sprites. Images loaded by the game are in png format.
      • Manages the display of the game, including rendering the board and handling user inputs.
    • The main class that launches the game application. `
  • src/test/java/es/upm/pproject/sokoban: Contains the unit tests specific for the methods of each class.
  • src/main/resources: Contains all the levels we created for the game. This levels are stored and used in `txt format in order to transform every item into an image.
  • target: Directory used by Maven to store all output of the build process. This includes compiled .class files, packaged JARs, generated documentation, and any other artifacts produced during the build. It is the default build directory for Maven projects.


This repository contains the code of a Java program to manage the students that are matriculated in the different courses offered by a university.



This interface represents a course and contains different methods related to managing students enrolled in the course.


  • getPuntuacionRelativa()

    • Description: This method is called to get the relative score.
    • Returns: the relative score.
  • getTablero()

    • Description: This method is called to get the tablero.
    • Returns: the tablero.
  • getEstadosAnteriores()

    • Description: This method is called to get all the previous states.
    • Returns: all the previous states.
  • pushInEstadosAnteriores(char[][] matriz)

    • Description: Add an array to the stack of previous states.
    • Parameters:
      • matriz - The array that is to be added.
  • deshacer()

    • Description: Undo the last move and return to a previous state.
    • Returns: true if there was a previous state.
  • incremetarPuntuacionRelativa()

    • Description: Increase relative score.


This interface represents a course and contains different methods related to managing students enrolled in the course.


  • getControlador()

    • Description: This method is called to get the controller.
    • Returns: the controller.
  • setControlador(ControladorInterface controlador)

    • Description: This method is called to set the controller.
    • Parameters:
      • controlador - The controller that is to be setted.
  • getNivel()

    • Description: This method is called to get a level.
    • Returns: the level.
  • setNivel(Nivel nivel)

    • Description: This method is called to set the level.
    • Parameters:
      • nivel - The level that is to be setted.
  • getPuntuacionAbsoluta()

    • Description: This method is called to get the absolute puntuacion.
    • Returns: the absolute puntuacion.
  • setPuntuacionAbsoluta(int puntuacionAbsoluta)

    • Description: This method sets the absolute puntuaction.
    • Parameters:
      • puntuacionAbsoluta - The puntuaction that is to be setted.
  • getNumeroNivel()

    • Description: This method is called to get the level number.
    • Returns: an integer representing the level.
  • setNumeroNivel(int numeroNivel)

    • Description: This method is called to set the level number.
    • Parameters:
      • numeroNivel - The level number that is to be setted.
  • siguienteNivel()

    • Description: This method is called to move to the next level.
    • Returns: true if the level was increased successfully.
  • mover(char direccion)

    • Description: moves the character to the direction specified.
    • Parameters:
      • direccion - a character that is used to specify the direction in which the character is going to be moved.
  • reiniciar()

    • Description: This method is called to restart the level.


This interface represents a course and contains different methods related to managing students enrolled in the course.


  • nivelCorrecto()

    • Description: This method is called to check whether the level is correct.
    • Returns: a boolean value indicating whether the level is correct or not.
  • mover()

    • Description: This method is called to execute a movement.
    • Returns: a boolean value indicating whether the movement could be executed successfully.
  • comprobarFin()

    • Description: This method is called to check whether the end has been reached.
    • Returns: a boolean value indicating whether the end has been reached or not.
  • setMatriz(char[][] matriz)

    • Description: This method sets the matriz of the tablero.
    • Parameters:
      • matriz - It is the matriz that is to be setted.
  • getMatriz()

    • Description: This method is called to get the matriz.
    • Returns: It gets the matriz.
  • getNombreNivel()

    • Description: This method is called to get the name of the level.
    • Returns: It gets the name of the level.
  • toString()

    • Description: This method is called to get the string representation of the table.
    • Returns: A string representation of the table.


  • Victor Caro Fuentes
  • Victoria Fernández Alegría
  • Guillermo Franco Gimeno
  • Manuela Bautista Javier


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