An online scrapbook website where the user chooses a challenge and tries to maintain the streak for the number of days the challenge specifies. Upon completing the challenge the user earns the badge which will be displayed in the user's profile. Others who share similar interests with the user can follow the user and work on the challenge together.
Users can see the posts updated by other users and also their interests and badges
User can add, update and delete their posts
User can send a friend request to other users similar to social media and the other user can accept or reject (this is implemented using push notifications)
Profile section displaying the badges the user has earned on completing the challenge and calendar view for each of the badges earned
User can add their personal interests so that others with similar interests can follow them
To do list to keep in track with daily tasks and to maintain streaks
Fuzzy search engine to search through posts of others either by their name, title of the post, description or by clicking on tags on posts
PiPo is an installable progressive web app (PWA)
Vue router
Tailwind CSS
Clone the repository and run the command
npm install
npm run serve
Sai Teja T |
Made with ❤️ by DSC VIT