High-Level Architecture Diagram:
Configuration Flow :
Architect/Developer do a "kubectl get svc", prompts a URL to login to.
Once authenticated the Azure AD token issuance endpoint issues the access token.
Architect/Developer do a "kubectl get svc" again with Azure AD Token.
Azure Kubernetes validates token with AAD and fetches the Developer’s AAD Groups
Azure Kubernetes RBAC and cluster policies are applied.
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply
az aks get-credentials --resource-group Env02-AD-Integration-RG -n az-k8s --admin
cd clouddrive/Terraform-Azure-k8s-ActiveDirectory/K8sDeployment
kubectl apply --namespace default -f "01webandsql.yaml"
kubectl apply --namespace default -f "02RBAC.yaml"
kubectl apply --namespace default -f "02RBAC-ClusterRoleBinding.yaml"
az aks get-credentials --resource-group Env02-AD-Integration-RG -n az-k8s
kubectl get svc
- Do a kubectl get svc , login with using a user that is not a member of Azure AD Group "az-ad_grp_admin"
kubectl get svc
Microsoft Azure Container Ecosystem - "nugget series" > Click this Link
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