A Google Drive Interface for your Cloudflare R2 Buckets!
Documentation: r2explorer.dev
Demo: demo.r2explorer.dev
Source Code: github.com/G4brym/R2-Explorer
Read this in other languages: Español, Português, Français
- Self-hosted/Deployed on your own Cloudflare Account
- Receive and read emails (via Cloudflare Email Routing)
- Security:
- Managing files:
- In-browser File preview (pdf, image, txt, markdown, csv, logpush...)
- In-browser File editing
- Drag-and-Drop upload
- Upload files or folders with files
- Multipart upload for big files
- HTTP/Custom metadata edit
- Organization:
- Create folders
- Upload/Rename/Download/Delete files
- Right click in file for extra options
- Method: Github Action
- Method: Create Cloudflare CLI
- Method: Template
Learn more about keeping your instance updated in the Updating your project docs.
- allow bucket names with spaces
- Search files
- Rename folders
- Image thumbnail's ?
- Object detection on images using workers-ai ?
- Tooltip when hovering a file with absolute time in "x days time ago" format
- support for responding to emails
- More advanced file editing with more validations per file type
- Email inline images and assets don't load when using basic auth