Javascript frontend SDK for building apps based on Gcore RTC platform []
- packages/rtckit Client-side library for streaming via the Gcore network using WebRTC.
- packages/rtckit-node Server-side helper library to set up the WebRTC streaming
- apps/embedded-ingest-demo A minimalistic example on the use of the rtckit library to stream from a browser, plain JavaScript
- apps/ingest-demo A small client-side Vue.js app, featuring WebRTC stream ingestion and playback
- apps/ingest-demo-nuxt A full-stack Nuxt.js-based example of ingesting WebRTC streams
- apps/rtckit-node-demo A primer on using the server-side library to initialize a WebRTC stream
- apps/webrtc-demo A demo app on a WebRTC stream ingestion and consumption. Not tied to the Gcore infrastructure, can be used to test any WebRTC server implementing WHIP and WHEP. Vue.js