Welcome to Fusion For Energy GitHub organization. Below, you can find details on the different repositories hosted here.
The following tools are developed and mantained by the F4E neutronics team:
- F4Enix a python package that helps to pre and post process many different inputs and outputs related to neutronic analyses.
- F4E_radwaste, a program to define and analyze radwaste packages via a fine 3D mesh superimposed to the geometry of a Monte Carlo radiation transport simulation.
- RadModeling, a package grouping a set of useful IronPython routines to manipulate/analyse/modify CAD files in SpaceClaim environment.
- DoseMap-calculator, a practical tool to obtain doses of a component travelling through a radiation field.
- iMCNP_Source, a script that creates a complete MCNP sdef card for a set of pipes containing activated water.
F4E neutronics team is also one of the main contributors to other two projects that have their own independent GitHub organizations: