Work in progress. Contributions are welcomed!
npm install && npm start
side note: It is demo server wit API endpoints you need for the starter.
In the future API will be moved to external package such us hapilizer
Install dependencies and start API server (from another terminal)
cd server && npm install && node start
Routing with react-router
Router is configured using configuration object passed to Router
Authentication with react-jwt-auth-redux
Authentication is delivered with react-jwt-auth for authentication and react-jwt-auth-redux for Redux bindings.
Users can register and login using email and password or sign in with social account.
Isomorphic checks with enverse
Enverse is super simple library with tiny footprint for environment checks.
Here is the list of great react packages that inspired me to start this project.
- joshgeller/react-redux-jwt-auth-example
- mjrussell/redux-auth-wrapper
- sahat/satellizer
- lynndylanhurley/redux-auth
- jedireza/aqua
- jedireza/frame
- mxstbr/react-boilerplate
If you don't like this starter pack or have different requirement for you project you should check out following sites:
- react-hot-loader usage examples