Auto use brooch and rootbeer sync with your main buff or main skill
make you DPS Brust time better :D
- shit on //enable this module
- shit off //disable this module
- shit reload //reload shit config
- shit set brooch [item link] //set brooch id *only that class
- shit set rootbeer [item link] //set rootbeer id *only that class
"enabled": true, #Enable and Disable this module
"rootbeer": [ #set your rootbeer id, this use for auto detect
"list": {
"0": { #job or class id
"rootbeerinfo": 80081, #set your rootbeer id *if 0 = auto detect
"broochinfo": 0, #set your brooch id *if 0 = auto detect
"buffid": 100811, #buff for active
"active": "nextskill", #active type instance = after buff pop, nextskill = after use next skill
"brooch": "once", #once = active 1 time only when buff/skill start and will skip to use if in cd
"rootbeer": "inbuff" #inbuff = will use in buff/skill when item cd finish
sometimes system can't auto detect brooch
you must set it by your self it easy to do
with command "shit set brooch [item link]"