The idea and purpose of this project is to make a project which will be a journey not a goal to achieve, to expose myself for re-factorization, bug-fixes and place to grow to implement other technologies keeping in mind TypeScript and NextJS.
- REGISTER - create new user with email confirmation using gogleapis and nodemailer
- FORGOT PASSWORD - send email with code to reset password
- USER AUTHORIZATION JWT - users are authorized using JSON Web Tokens
- EDIT USER DETAILS - CRUD for user details
- UPLOAD FILE - user can upload profile image, cover image, post images and comments images and store it on cloudinary
- ADD FRIEND/FOLLOW - user can add or follow friend and automatically see their posts on home page
- REACT and COMMENT - users can send reactions and comments to posts which are stored in database
- LIVE SEARCH with SEARCH HISTORY - user can live search another user (full name or surename) and search results are stored for future searches
- Nodemailer
- googleapis
- express-fileupload
- cloudinary
- bcrypt
- cors
- typescript
- ts-node
- ts-node-dev
- config
- dayjs
- pino / pino-pretty
- prettier
- jest
- supertest
- ts-jest
- Prepare README
- Refactoring Backend to TypeScript
- Unit Testing
- Endpoint testing with SuperTest
- Testing coverage report
- Prometheus Metrics with Grafana dashboard
- Migration to NestJS on separated branch