This project is licensed under GPLv3. Please see the LICENSE file.
Copyright © 2015-2017 F. Bernkastel ([email protected])
- InfinityScript, Copyright © 2012 NTA
- RGAdmin v1.05, Copyright © 2015 Lambder
- The TeknoMW3 team, especially...
- Hans Krebs and Smurf for their work with Tekno and InfinityScript.
- Lambder and his team for coding the base script
- Musta for bugreports and testing
- SAT creators for HWID offsets and AntiKnife
- x86JMPSTREET (lelz)
- HKClan for trying to give their help
DGAdmin was made to be a fast and lagless All-in-One plugin, collecting lots of features, previously possible only with separate scripts. Due modular structure, each feature can be easilly disabled to reduce CPU and RAM load.
- anti-plant
- anti-hardscope
- anti-knife
- anti-close range throwing knife
- anti-boltcancel
- anti-falldamage
possibility to override script settings through DSR
detect class unlockers
Custom map & mode name in the servers browser.
Let players vote to kick hackers
A players rating system
Force client dvars
Prevent any player from connecting the server. Useful for 1v1 and clanwars.
DGAdmin got 119 ± 7 of chat commands.
From simple and fast to copmlex and powerful command syntaxes are supported.
Read the official documentation for advanced guidelines.
Target platform is .NET Framework 4.0
InfinityScript version:
Used Visual Studio 2015