An API to manage a stock of a business, can create itens, read all of them, search for name, bac code, item or mark.
I use Java 21 with my principal language, using spring boot framework to create Rest API's and postgreSQL for create database.
- Java 21
- Spring Boot
- PostgreSQL
Send all request to this path:
To create new itens on table you can use:
You have to send a body to this endpoint to create a item o table. This body may have some informations:
To actualize itens to inserto into the table, use:
You have to pass the id to URL and a json body for information you whant to change, with same iformation you pass to create an item.
To take out an item for stock, you have to use this end point:
Informal how many itens do you whant to take out of stock, where do you take out and what is the sector the item will go.
And more and more end points you can use to make your application.
To search end point I create a custom slq code.
@Query(value = "SELECT * FROM itens_tb WHERE CAST(bar_code AS CHAR)" +
"LIKE %:searchItem% OR item LIKE %:searchItem% OR mark LIKE %:searchItem%",
nativeQuery = true)
List<ActiveItensModel> findByBarCodeItemNameMarkName(@Param("searchItem") String searchItem);
::hammer:: in work!