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François JARRIER-GELLEZ edited this page Jan 7, 2021 · 12 revisions


You can find the configuration file to /etc/MqttOwfs.conf.

To specify another folder or configuration file see daemon settings on How to install.

Sample of configuration file




displayname = TemperatureSalon
round = 1

displayname = door
refreshinterval = 1
uncachedread = true

owfs section

  • server to define owfs server ip address (default
  • port to define owfs server port TCP (default 4304).
  • devicesinterval specify interval to refresh devices list, in second (default 90)
  • valuesinterval specify interval to refresh devices value, in second (default 10)
  • temperaturescale (default C)
  • pressurescale (default Mbar)
  • uncachedread (default false)

mqtt section

  • server to define mqtt server url (default tcp://
  • topic specify the topic (default owfs)
  • keepalive specify keepalive, in second (default 300)

More options in wiki of mqtt daemon library here.

log section

  • level to define log level, 1 to 7 (default 1)
  • destination to specifie log destination cout, cerr, clog or a file (default cerr)

More options in wiki of mqtt daemon library here.


To comment a line don't use character # but character ;

Others sections

Other sections allow you to manually define devices. The name of the section must be the folder to read the owfs device value.

  • displayname to modify the device name in the mqtt topic
  • round to round the value (1 to round to one decimal place)
  • refreshinterval to specify a specific refresh value interval (by default valueinterval in owfs section)
  • uncachedread set to true to read uncached value (by default value of uncachedread in owfs section)

Example of section to have a mqtt message for a DS2438, VDD value :

displayname = MyDS2438voltage
round = 1

There is specific folder to know if a device is online on the one wire bus : /ispresent. It's not use present folder of owfs because it's deprecated. This feature rescan one wire.

Example of section to have a mqtt message to know if a DS2401 is online :

displayname = door
refreshinterval = 2
uncachedread = true
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