Kha Audio Workstation
This project is born of the frustration from a sound designer/musicien/Audio programmer having to always change editor environnements and not having a quality free and open-source DAW. This project serves this need and aims to innovate in the fields where others don't dare to go or other projects have gone but where plagued by other pitfalls or are closed source.
This project draws inspiration from :
- RAGE audio
- The UI standard used by certain german DAW's
- Blue
- Have an easy to use audio integration tool for games
- Have an all-in-one tool where you can compose music or sounds and render out directly to your games
- Integrate your sounds in Armory3D and Foundry2D
- Be lightning fast
- Integrate with other game engines or video editors ( i.e. Godot Engine, Blender, Unity, Unreal etc.)
- Have an audio generative creation tool that can be efficient so it can be used in games
- Have a generative music creation tool
- Create your own synth
- Offer debugging capabilities
What you create with KAW is your sole property. All your compositions – synthesizers or sound files – including the .kaw files and other data files KAW can write, is free for you to use as you like.
That means that KAW can be used commercially by artists, by studios to make music or sounds for films , by game artists to work on commercial games, by scientists for research, and by students in educational institutions.
KAW’s GNU GPL license guarantees you this freedom. Nobody is ever permitted to take it away, in contrast to trial or “educational” versions of commercial software that will forbid your work in commercial situations.1