The back-end to Flexible Finance App. Together, they form Flexible Finance, a bookkeeping app that aims to support the casual user by providing functionality and flexibility without the intensity of serious accounting apps.
Make sure you have Node.js installed.
Make sure you have Postgres installed.
Create a database for this app:
createdb flexible-finance-server
# Undo
# dropdb flexible-finance-server
If you're using macOS and createdb
is not found, make sure you've configured $PATH
Get the code:
$ git clone # or clone your own fork
$ cd flexible-finance-server
Set up your environment:
$ npm install
$ cp .env.example .env
# Open .env and replace the values in <angle brackets> with your own
Build and run the app:
$ npm run build
$ npm run start
Your app should now be running on localhost:5001.
There is support in the configuration files for automatic linting with Visual Studio Code, with the ESLint and Prettier extensions installed.
There is a continuous deployment pipeline between the Github repository and When a commit is pushed to main
, Github will deploy that code to the demo site on,
The server's API documentation can be viewed on the demo site at (or http://localhost:5001/v1/api-docs if running locally).