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Python Email Generation for Humans

EmailGen is a python port of the great mailgen engine for Node.js. Check their work, it's awesome! It's a package that generates clean, responsive HTML e-mails for sending transactional e-mails (welcome e-mails, reset password e-mails, receipt e-mails and so on), and associated plain text fallback.


$ pip install emailgen


Start by importing the library and configuring a generator.

import emailgen

# For most simple use cases, this should be all you need to define.
generator = emailgen.Generator(product={
    "name": "Example Corporation",
    "link": "",
    "logo": "",
    "copyright": "Copyright © 2017, Example Corporation. All rights reserved.",
    "trouble": "If you're having trouble viewing this email in your email, view it <a href="#">here</a>."

Next, you can generate an email by creating an instance of Email, adding in the content pieces you want and then generating the email with your newly configured generator.

table = emailgen.Table(["Service", "Maintenance Window"])  # Enter in the headers
table.add_row(["Service A", "Jan 1 00:00 - Jan 1: 01:00"])  # Enter in the values for the columns
table.add_row(["Service B", "Jan 1 01:00 - Jan 1: 02:00"])  #  in the same order as the headers
table.add_row(["Service C", "Jan 1 02:00 - Jan 1: 03:00"])
table.add_row(["Service D", "Jan 1 03:00 - Jan 1: 04:00"])

email = emailgen.Email("John Doe")  # Enter in the name of the recipient
email.add_intro("Welcome to our product! We're very excited to have you on board.")
email.add_action("To get started with Example, please click here:",
                 emailgen.Button("Confirm your account", ""))
email.add_outros("Need help, or have questions? Just reply to this email, we'd love to help.")

html_output = generator.html(email)
plain_text_output = generator.plain(email)