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Despite its age, PyMOL is still a popular tool to display (and manipulate) molecular files. Unfortunately its great graphical capabilities are often hidden by incomplete documentation and obscure syntax. This python module is an attempt to comprehensively consolidate my understanding of these capabilities.



  • numpy
  • scipy
  • matplotlib
  • pandas
  • gemmi if you want to load .mtz files

Surprisingly PyMOL is not necessarily required to run PyMOLViz, only to display the generated files.


In order to install the module you can type:

pip install pymolviz


The way that PyMOLViz is currently set up, it does not interact with PyMOL directly (although this is planned to be a possibility for a future update) but rather to generate python scripts that can then be loaded into PyMOL. This has the benefit that PyMOLViz does not have to run in the same environment (nor under the same operating system or even on the same computer) as PyMOL.

Simple Example

In a simple example we will create a set of points and display them in PyMOL.

import numpy as np
import pymolviz as pmv

points = np.random.rand(10, 3) * 10

This generates a python script in out:

When we load this into PyMOL we can see 10 points:


There are a couple of things of note here. PyMOLViz is based on so called Displayables. A Displayable is everything that gets a seperate entry in the objects side bar in PyMOL in this example case Points_1.

Displayables can always be written to a script via the write method and they always have a name. From the example we can see, that a dummy name will be generated if none is provided by the user.

Points, Lines and Arrows

Some of the easiest to create and useful objects are points, lines and arrows (especially during debugging). These objects have the advantage over pseudo atoms or measurements that they are significantly less computationally intensive, allowing to display larger datasets.


Points are defined by a set of vertices (positions) and color. As they are inheriting from Displayables, they also have a name and can be written to a script via write.

import numpy as np
import pymolviz as pmv

vertices = np.random.rand(10,3) * 10
p = pmv.Points(vertices, color = "red", name = "basic_points")


Render Types

By default, points are rendered as Spheres. Even more performant is rendering them as "Dots" (pixels):

p2 = pmv.Points(vertices, render_as="Dots", name = "dot_points")

When rendering as spheres you can pass the additional keyword radius which is 0.3 by default.

p3 = pmv.Points(vertices, radius = 1, name = "larger_points")

Automatic color inference

Instead of passing a color as a string we can pass any value that is accepted by the ColorMap class explained below. Specifically we can just pass a set of values and they will be automatically colored. For an example, we will color the points based on their distance to the origin:

values = np.linalg.norm(vertices, axis = 1)
p2 = pmv.Points(vertices, color = values, name = "colored_points")

For reference axes were added at the origin, see below in the Arrows chapter.

We can change the colormap beeing used by passing a different argument to colormap:

p3 = pmv.Points(vertices, color = values, name = "viridis_points", colormap="viridis")

colormap can be a string describing a matplotlib colormap, a matplotlib colormap itself or a PyMOLViz.ColorMap. The latter is particularly useful if you want to customize your colormaps easily.

As an example we will plot results of a electron density calculation for N-methyl acetamide as points (you should almost never actually do this! Instead you should use a volumetric display as explained below.). To easily read in the data we make use of the PyMOLViz GridData class which will be explained below.

data = pmv.GridData.from_xyz("../data/")
vertices = data.get_positions()
values = data.values
vertices = vertices[values > 1e-2]; values = values[values > 1e-2]
p4 = pmv.Points(vertices, color = values, render_as= "Dots", name = "td_points")

Almost all points get assigned a blue color. This is because the colors are normalized against the minimum and maximum values. The density exactly around the atoms is very large! In order to change the coloring into a more useful range, we pass a custom PyMOLViz colormap.

p6 = pmv.Points(vertices, color = values, render_as= "Dots", name = "td_points", colormap = pmv.ColorMap([0, 0.5]))


Instead of points lines can also be generated. For this the Lines constructor can be used. Lines inherits from Points and also accepts a set of vertices as its first argument. Lines are then drawn between each 2 consecutive points. If the color argument is an array-like, it can either specify a color for each single line or each point.

starts = np.random.rand(10,3) * 1
ends = np.random.rand(10,3) * 10
values = np.linalg.norm(ends, axis = 1)

l = pmv.Lines(np.hstack([starts, ends]), name = "basic_lines", color = values)

With a color value for each point:

values = np.full((5,4), ["yellow", "red", "green", "blue"]).flatten()
l2 = pmv.Lines(np.hstack([starts, ends]), name = "different_lines", color = values)


Instead of just creating lines, the direction can be indicated via Arrows. Arrows inherit from lines. Arrows get 2 additional keywords, indicating how their head should be shaped: head_length and head_width both are relative values w.r.t. their length and default to .2.

If color is an array, it can either be passed as with lines, i.e. each line, or each end, or for each point of the arrow (first two for the line, next 8 for each line constituting the head).

a1 = pmv.Arrows(np.hstack([starts, ends]), name = "basic_arrows", color = values)

values = np.random.rand(10,10, 3).reshape(-1, 3)
a2 = pmv.Arrows(np.hstack([starts, ends]), name = "random_arrows", color = values)

Coordinate Axes

Using the Arrows and the Labels classes we can create coordinate axes:

start = np.zeros((3,3))
end = np.eye(3)
a3 = pmv.Arrows(np.hstack([start, end]), name = "coordinate_axes_arrows", color = end)
labels = pmv.Labels(end * 1.1, name = "coordinate_axes_labels", labels = ["x", "y", "z"])
pmv.Group([a3, labels], "coordinate_axes").write("out/")


Colors in PyMOLViz are exclusively determined via the ColorMap class.


One of the most reoccuring tasks is to apply a colormap to a set of values. In order to simplify this as much as possible, PyMolViz has implemented an auxiliary ColorMap class which automatically tries to gracefully interpret different types of input.


The colormap class implements two functions to display them. One to show them as a matplotlib figure:

cmap.get_figure(orientation = "horizontal", figsize=(10, 1))

As in:

def plot_colors(cmap, x):
    # plotting given points
    test_colors = cmap.get_color(x)
    print("\n\nColored points:")
    plt.scatter(x, np.full_like(x, 0.5), color = test_colors)

    #plotting the colorbar
    cmap.get_figure(orientation = "horizontal", figsize=(10, 1))

The other way is to show them as a ColorRamp in PyMOL:

values = [-2, 0, 0, 3]
color_values = [0, 0.4, 0.65, 1]
cmap = pmv.ColorMap(list(zip(values, color_values)), name ="colormap")


In the following every possible color input to the ColorMap class is discussed. Single Color Input Sometimes instead of a color for every point / line / mesh, you just want a single color (this is in fact the default if no color is passed). For this the colormap can be passed only a single color and will assign this color to any value that is passed to it. Single Color Inputs can be:

  • A colors name
cmap = pmv.ColorMap("red")
plot_colors(cmap, np.random.rand(10) * 10)

  • An elements name (which then gets converted based on pymols element colors)
cmap = pmv.ColorMap("I")
plot_colors(cmap, np.random.rand(10) * 10)

  • An array-like with 3 or 4 entries as rgb (a), either indicating values as float between 0 and 1 or as integer between 0 and 255.
cmap = pmv.ColorMap([0.1, 0.9, 0.5])
plot_colors(cmap, np.random.rand(10) * 10)

Multiple Color Input The more interesting case is if you want to assing different colors to different values. For this the ColorMap class can infer the colormap scaling from a set of values passed to it. In this case the passed colormap keyword is used to infer the colormaps colors. Alternatively if a list of single colors (see above) is passed to it, it will map each index to the corresponding color. Multiple Color Inputs can be:

  • An array-like containing float-like values (colors are taken from a matplotlib colormap corresponding to the passed colormap argument. Defaults to "RdYlBu_r".)
values = np.random.rand(10) * 10
cmap = pmv.ColorMap(values, colormap="viridis")
plot_colors(cmap, values)

  • An array-like containing single colors (see above)
cmap = pmv.ColorMap(["red", "I", [0.3, 0.4, 0.7], [10, 250, 100]])
plot_colors(cmap, range(4))

Linear Segmented Color Input If you want to assign certain colors to certain values, you can pass a list of tuples to the ColorMap, with each tuple (value, color) containing the value and the corresponding single color (see above). Alternatively tuples of (value, color_value) pairs can be passed. In this case color_value may be a float between 0 and 1 or an integer between 0 and 255 indicating the color based on the passed colormap keyword. Linear Segmented Color Inputs can be:

  • An array-like containing tuples of (float-like, single color (see above)).
values = [0.1, 0.5, 0.6, 2]
colors = [(50, 10, 255), "Br", "Cl", "black"]
cmap = pmv.ColorMap(list(zip(values, colors)))
plot_colors(cmap, values)

  • An array-like containing tupes of (float-like, color-indicator) with color-indicator being a float between 0 and 1. The colors are then determined by passing the color-indicator to the matplotlib colormap corresponding to the passed colormap argument (Defaults to "RdYlBu_r").
values = [-2, 0, 0, 3]
color_values = [0, 0.4, 0.65, 1]
cmap = pmv.ColorMap(list(zip(values, color_values)))
plot_colors(cmap, values)

Meshes and Primitives


In addition to the basic data representions presented thus far, PyMOLViz also provides an Interface to the Mesh representation in PyMOL. Such a mesh has, in addition to points and colors also faces and vertex normals.

Faces should be a list or array of 3 dimensional indices into vertices. Faces indicate which 3 vertices should be connected to generate an opaque triangle. If faces are not given, every 3 consecutive points are assumed to form a triangle.

As a mesh will display an actual surface the additional information of the direction of the surface is used to compute lighting on the surface. For this, vertex normals can be provided which should for every provided vertex indicate the surface normal at that vertex. If you have no information of vertex normals you can either compute them from surrounding vertices or just pass zero vectors.

import pymolviz as pmv
import numpy as np

# creating dummy points
points = np.array([[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0]])
colors = np.array(["red", "green", "blue"])

# creating a point mesh of the dummy points, rendering the points as spheres
p = pmv.Points(points, color = colors, name ="points")

# creating the actual mesh. As we dont know the vertex normals, we set them to 0 vectors. The faces input means, the points at index 0, 1 and 2 should be connected to create a triangle. Any color between vertices is interpolated (by PyMOLs shaders).
m = pmv.Mesh(points, faces = [[0, 1, 2]], normals = np.zeros_like(points), color = colors, name = "mesh")

pmv.Script([m, p]).write("out/")

We can also load larger meshes into PyMOL, to display arbitrary objects:

bunny_points = np.load('../data/Bunny.npy')
m2 = pmv.Mesh(bunny_points, color = "beige", name = "bunny")


Any mesh can be turned into a wireframe via the to_wireframe method. Note that this is different from an IsoMesh that is created using volumetric data, which is explained further below.

bunny_points = np.load('../data/Bunny.npy')
l = m2.to_wireframe(name = "bunny_wireframe")
l.colormap = pmv.ColorMap("black")

Mesh Primitives

PyMOLViz currently also provides the Plane and Sphere classes, which allow to instantiate plane and sphere meshes more easily.

  • The Plane class represents a mesh consisting of two triangles which are placed at a given position and with a given plane normal. The size of the triangles is controlled by the scale parameter.
  • The Sphere class allows to create a sphere directly as a mesh (allowing to e.g. extract its wireframe representation). If you want to represent many points as spheres, you should use the Points class instead. The sphere is defined by its position, radius and its resolution, determining how many points are approximating a circle.
start_point = np.array([1,1,1])

# creating plane
normal = np.array([1,1,-1])
plane = pmv.Plane(start_point, normal, scale = 2, color = "blue", name = "plane")

# creating sphere
sphere = pmv.Sphere(start_point, 0.3, color = "green", name = "sphere")

# joining meshes into a script
s = pmv.Script([plane, sphere])

Collections, Groups and Scripts

Up to now we basically always created a Displayable and used its write method to generate a corresponding script. In reality we will usually want to combine different Displayables and write them to a single script. The classes CGOCollection, Group, and Script all allow to gather different Displayables but have distinct use cases.


CGOCollections, as the name indicates are collections of CGOs, Compiled Graphics Objects. In PyMOLViz this corresponds to every class that inherits from Points. This includes every class except for the ColorMap that has been presented thus far. However it specifically excludes any volumetric class.

CGOCollections are Displayables and have therefore a name and a write function. They are special in that all Displayables that are part of a CGOCollection will be combined and appear in PyMOL as the same Displayable under the name of the Collection (unless they are also added by different means).

points = pmv.Points(np.random.rand(10,3), color = (1,0,0), name = "points")
lines = pmv.Lines(np.hstack([np.random.rand(10,3), np.random.rand(10,3)]), color = (0,1,0), name = "lines")
collection = pmv.CGOCollection([points, lines], name = "collection")


Groups are used to gather multiple Displayables. Other than with CGOCollections, any other Displayable that is not a Group can be gathered. They are part of PyMOLs GUI. They are themselves also Displayables and therefore a name and a write function. Any Displayable that is part of a Group will also be loaded into PyMOL itself. We made use of the Group class when implementing the coordinate axes.

start = np.zeros((3,3))
end = np.eye(3)
a3 = pmv.Arrows(np.hstack([start, end]), name = "coordinate_axes_arrows", color = end)
labels = pmv.Labels(end * 1.1, name = "coordinate_axes_labels", labels = ["x", "y", "z"])
g = pmv.Group([a3, labels], "coordinate_axes")


Scripts lie at the root of the implementation of PyMOLViz as any Displayable is converted to a Script when its write function is called. The Script class is used to actually convert its Displayables into runnable python scripts. It can be used to gather different Displayables which should be loaded with a single script. Scripts themselves are not Displayables but rather represent a collection of Displayables that should be converted into a single python script.

We could use the Script class to write the coordinate axes and the bunny to a single script:

bunny_points = np.load('../data/Bunny.npy')
m2 = pmv.Mesh(bunny_points, color = "beige", name = "bunny")
s = pmv.Script([g, m2])

Volumetric Displays

PyMOL has different capablities for displaying volumetric data, such as electrostatic potentials or electron density. These all are based on data on a three dimensional grid, which is why the interface to volumetric displays in PyMOLViz is always based on the GridData class.


Volumetric Displays are all based on the GridData class. As the name implies it stores data on a grid. The grid can either be specified by its positions or by an origin, step_sizes and step_counts, each being a 3-dimensional vector. step_counts here means the number of steps taken from origin, specifically not counting origin as a step. Thus, the number of grid points along one axis i is step_counts[i] + 1.

At least currently, non-orthogonal Grids are not supported. GridData is a Displayable, and thus can be loaded into PyMOL on its own.

As a simple example we create a 1 by 1 cube at [0, 0, 0] and assign values as the manhatten distance from origin.

grid = np.array([[0, 0, 0],
        [0, 0, 1],
        [0, 1, 0],
        [0, 1, 1],
        [1, 0, 0],
        [1, 0, 1],
        [1, 1, 0],
        [1, 1, 1]])

values = np.sum(grid, axis=1) # manhatten distance from origin
grid_data = pmv.GridData(values, grid, name = "basic_grid_data")

As no display type has been added yet, PyMOL will only show the bounding box of the loaded 3d-grid. For better comprehensiveness, the coordinate axes from the section before was added.

If you like to see the points of the GridData, you can convert them into a Points class using the to_points method.

points = grid_data.to_points(name = "grid_data_points", radius = 0.1)

Reading external volumetric data

PyMOLViz currently supports reading xyz files containing volumetric data created by turbomole, as well as mtz files using gemmi. With time and demand additional formats will follow.

Reading xyz files

One example was already in the Points chapter:

td_data = pmv.GridData.from_xyz("../data/", name = "td")
points = td_data.to_points(name = "td_points", radius = 0.1, render_as="Dots")
pmv.Script([td_data, points]).write("out/")

The from_xyz function has the argument in_bohr which defaults to True. This signifies that the data from the xyz file is in Bohr (as is the default for turbomole outputs), but we want to see it in Angström. If you want to leave the data in its original form you need to pass in_bohr = False.

Reading mtz files

Reading mtz files is more complicated, since they usually hold a lot of information and you need to pick what information you would like to display. If you want more than a quick way to display the information you need to take a deeper look into the documentation, e.g. for the MTZ Format or how to handle them with gemmi.

PyMOLViz allows to specify the structure factor column and the phase column from the mtz file to compute the grid data. additionally you can specify the sample rate and the area in which to display the data via the min_pos and max_pos keywords.

For standard files you want the following structure factors and phases (see,

  • 2mFo-dFc: Factor: "FWT", Phase: "PHWT"
  • mFo-dFc: Factor: "DELFWT", Phase: "PHDELWT"
  • Fc: Factor: "FC", Phase: "PHIC"
  • Fo: Factor: "FP", Phase: usually N/A
from rdkit import Chem
prot = Chem.MolFromPDBFile('../data/4de3.pdb')
positions = prot.GetConformer().GetPositions()
buffer = 5
min_pos = np.min(positions, axis = 0) - buffer
max_pos = np.max(positions, axis = 0) + buffer
mtz_data = pmv.GridData.from_mtz('../data/4de3_phases.mtz', min_pos = min_pos, max_pos = max_pos, step_sizes = [1, 1, 1], name = 'mtz_4de3')


Once the data is available there are two major types of displaying them. Via transparent Volumes or via IsoSurfaces. First we will show how to use Volumes. Volumes are Displayables and therefore have a name and can be written directly as a script via the write method.

v1 = pmv.Volume(grid_data, name = "grid_data_volume")

With the volume panel looking like:

To refine the coloring you can access the volume color map panel via the color of the volumes:

A Volume is defined by values which are mapped to (color, alpha) value pairs, with the color for every point inbetween being interpolated. In PyMOLViz, this is done by specifying the alphas and clims keywords for the Volume. The clims define the values at which a new color is used by passing the clim to the Volume's ColorMap, which can be specified using the colormap keyword in a similar fashion to the Points class.

As an example we will try to show a clearer distinction between points below 1.5 and above 1.5 by adjusting our colormap:

values = [np.min(grid_data.values), 1.5, 1.5, np.max(grid_data.values)]
color_values = [0, 0.35, 0.65, 1]
cmap = pmv.ColorMap(list(zip(values, color_values)), name="distinct_colormap")
v2 = pmv.Volume(grid_data, name = "distinct_volume", colormap = cmap)
pmv.Script([v2, cmap]).write("out/")

With the volume panel looking like:

If we dont want to distinguish so many colors, we can pass different clims to the Volume constructor:

clims = [
v3 = pmv.Volume(grid_data, name = "less_colors_volume", clims = clims)

With the volume panel looking like:

This doesn't look perfect. The way that the alpha values are determined by default, it is assumed that the first clim is at a high alpha value and the second goes down to a low alpha value. Thus, the follow would be more correct:

clims = [

v4 = pmv.Volume(grid_data, name = "less_colors_volume2", clims = clims)


With the volume panel looking like:

Instead we can also pass the alpha values ourselves:

clims = [
alphas = [0.03, 0.005, 0.03]
v3 = pmv.Volume(grid_data, name = "less_colors_volume3", clims = clims, alphas = alphas)

With the volume panel looking like:

By default the clims are chosen as 33 even spaced values between mean plus/minus 5 standard deviations. The alpha values are chosen based on the point densities between the points in that region.

As a more practical example we will show the density around the N-methyl acetamide:

data = pmv.GridData.from_xyz("../data/", name = "td")
cmap = pmv.ColorMap([0, 0.5])
v4 = pmv.Volume(data, name = "td_volume", colormap = cmap)


Sometimes it is hard to see what is going on using Volumes (at least in their default setting). In order to simplify generating Volumes showing iso-surfaces PyMOLViz has the class IsoVolume. It still makes use of the PyMOLs volume functionality but creates "coloring peaks" at the given values.

cmap = pmv.ColorMap([0, 0.5], colormap = "viridis")
v5 = pmv.IsoVolume(data, name = "td_isovolume", colormap = cmap)

With the volume panel looking like:

Displaying the 2mFo-dFc map from before we get:

from rdkit import Chem
prot = Chem.MolFromPDBFile('../data/4de3.pdb')
positions = prot.GetConformer().GetPositions()
buffer = 5
min_pos = np.min(positions, axis = 0) - buffer
max_pos = np.max(positions, axis = 0) + buffer
data = pmv.GridData.from_mtz('../data/4de3_phases.mtz', min_pos = min_pos, max_pos = max_pos, step_sizes = [1, 1, 1], name = 'mtz_4de3')
cmap = pmv.ColorMap([-1, 1])
v6 = pmv.IsoVolume(data, name = "mtz_4de3_volume", colormap = cmap)

Zooming in, we can see some detail, but it is still hard to make out, due to the everything beeing quite dense:


In order to limit where the volume is displayed, we can pass a name of a PyMOL object (that should exist at the time we load the script), and a radius around that object to display the volume. The name is passed via the keword selection and the carve radius via the keyword carve.

v7 = pmv.IsoVolume(data, name = "mtz_4de3_volume", colormap = cmap, carve = 2, selection = "4de3")
v7.alphas[v6.alphas > 0] = 1

To show the volume within 2 Angström around the selection at the time the script is loaded we can use the following:

cmap = pmv.ColorMap([0, .7])
v8 = pmv.IsoVolume(data, clims = np.linspace(0, 1, 32), name = "mtz_4de3_volume", colormap = cmap, carve = 2, selection = "sele")
v8.alphas[v8.alphas > 0] = 1
v8.alphas[v8.alphas == 0] = 0.05

cmap.get_figure(orientation = "horizontal", figsize = (12, 1))

Here we had selected the entire region of the protein when reading in the mtz file and then carved down the display to the selection. A better way to do it would be to restrict the selection of the read in of the mtz file to the region you are interested in.

# bfs from a bromine
bromine = [a for a in prot.GetAtoms() if a.GetAtomicNum() == 35][0]
cur_indices = [bromine.GetIdx()]; found_indices = [bromine.GetIdx()]
while(len(cur_indices) > 0):
    next_indices = [a.GetIdx() for a in prot.GetAtomWithIdx(cur_indices[0]).GetNeighbors() if a.GetIdx() not in found_indices]
    cur_indices = cur_indices[1:]

# determine box
used_positions = np.array([positions[i] for i in found_indices])
min_pos = np.min(used_positions, axis = 0) - buffer
max_pos = np.max(used_positions, axis = 0) + buffer

#read in data
data = pmv.GridData.from_mtz('../data/4de3_phases.mtz', min_pos = min_pos, max_pos = max_pos, step_sizes = [1, 1, 1], name = 'mtz_4de3')

#create Volume
cmap = pmv.ColorMap([0, 1])
clims = np.linspace(0, 2, 32)
v9 = pmv.IsoVolume(data, name = "mtz_4de3_volume", colormap = cmap, selection = "sele", carve = 2, clims = clims)
v9.alphas[v9.alphas > 0] = 1

cmap.get_figure(orientation = "horizontal", figsize = (12, 1))


While transparent volumes are a good tool to show volumetric data, we are sometimes not interested in all of the volumetric data or we want to combine two different volumetric information. For this we can use IsoSurfaces. They are defined by GridData and a level. The surface that is drawn is then determined by the points where the values of the GridData correspond to the level. As those points generally do not fall onto the grid points themselves, PyMOL uses a form of marching cubes to determine the surface.

IsoSurfaces are Displayables and therefore have a name and can be written directly as a script via the write method.

We'll start with our simple cube example to get a feeling for the IsoSurfaces:

grid = np.array([[0, 0, 0],
        [0, 0, 1],
        [0, 1, 0],
        [0, 1, 1],
        [1, 0, 0],
        [1, 0, 1],
        [1, 1, 0],
        [1, 1, 1]])
values = np.sum(grid, axis=1)

grid_data = pmv.GridData(values, grid, name = "grid_data")
s1 = pmv.IsoSurface(grid_data, 1.5, name = "basic_surface")
labels1 = pmv.Labels(grid, values, name = "basic_labels")
pmv.Script([s1, labels1]).write("out/")

We can see that the surface is drawn exactly at the level 1.5 given a linear interpolation between grid points.


One important use-case of IsoSurfaces is to map data from different GridData onto it. For now we will create another mock-data giving the (euclidean) distance to [0, 0, 1].

values2 = np.linalg.norm(grid - np.array([0,0,1]), axis=1)
grid_data2 = pmv.GridData(values2, grid, name = "grid_data2")
labels2 = pmv.Labels(grid, [f"{v:.3f}" for v in values2], name = "basic_labels2")
pmv.Script([grid_data2, labels2]).write("out/")

In order to color an IsoSurface from another GridData, we now need to create a ColorRamp object. ColorRamps assign a color from a ColorMap to every point of a GridData based on its value on that point (similar to what is done with Points). Thus a ColorRamp takes in a GridData object under the keyword data, detailing the grid points and their values as well as a colormap (which again can be a string mapping onto matplotlib colormaps, a matplotlib colormap itself or a PyMOLViz ColorMap).

ColorRamps are Displayables and therefore have a name and can be written directly as a script via the write method.

As an example, we will create a ColorRamp from the euclidean distance data and map it onto the IsoSurface for the manhatten distance.

c_ramp = pmv.ColorRamp(grid_data2, name = "color_ramp")
s2 = pmv.IsoSurface(grid_data, 1.5, name = "colored_surface", color = c_ramp)
pmv.Script([s2, labels]).write("out/")

Using the N-methyl acetamide example, we can draw an IsoSurface at a density level of 0.01 and color it by the electrostatic potential. To set a surface's transparency, we can use the transparency keyword.

density_data = pmv.GridData.from_xyz("../data/", name = "density_data")
potential_data = pmv.GridData.from_xyz("../data/", name = "potential_data")
cmap = pmv.ColorMap([0, 0.2])
c_ramp2 = pmv.ColorRamp(potential_data, name = "color_ramp2", colormap = cmap)
s3 = pmv.IsoSurface(density_data, 0.01, name = "potential_surface", color = c_ramp2, transparency = 0.2)


Sometimes IsoSurfaces are unclear and a less obtrusive visualization is preferred. For this, IsoMeshes can be used. IsoMeshes effectively show the result of the Marching Cubes algorithm as a wireframe. They inherit from IsoSurfaces and accept the same arguments, only differing in the way they are displayed.

m3 = pmv.IsoMesh(density_data, 0.01, name = "potential_mesh", color = c_ramp2)

This can also be used to show the 2mFo-dFc density:

from rdkit import Chem
prot = Chem.MolFromPDBFile('../data/4de3.pdb')
positions = prot.GetConformer().GetPositions()
buffer = 5

# bfs from a bromine
bromine = [a for a in prot.GetAtoms() if a.GetAtomicNum() == 35][0]
cur_indices = [bromine.GetIdx()]; found_indices = [bromine.GetIdx()]
while(len(cur_indices) > 0):
    next_indices = [a.GetIdx() for a in prot.GetAtomWithIdx(cur_indices[0]).GetNeighbors() if a.GetIdx() not in found_indices]
    cur_indices = cur_indices[1:]

# determine box
used_positions = np.array([positions[i] for i in found_indices])
min_pos = np.min(used_positions, axis = 0) - buffer
max_pos = np.max(used_positions, axis = 0) + buffer

data = pmv.GridData.from_mtz('../data/4de3_phases.mtz', min_pos = min_pos, max_pos = max_pos, step_sizes = [1, 1, 1], name = 'mtz_4de3')

m4 = pmv.IsoMesh(data, name = "mtz_4de3_mesh", level = 0, selection = "sele", carve = 2, color = "black")

Dependencies between Displayables

For more complex Displayables multiple other Displayables are required to draw them properly. Generally this is handled automatically, e.g. when writing a Volume, the corresponding GridData is written as well. If you want to organize these in Groups, you need to explicitly add all dependencies to the Group.

g = pmv.Group([density_data, potential_data, c_ramp2, m3], name = "potential_mesh_group")


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