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Forward Market Smart Contract

This contract uses Cosmwasm's provided architecture in conjunction with Provwasm to create a wasm smart contract that can be deployed to and interact with the Provenance Blockchain.

This contract provides functionality for creating a forward market contract for a single buyer and seller. A contract is instantiated by a buyer and then accepted by a seller. A buyer may allow any seller or mark the contract as private and only allow sellers of their choosing. The contract also requires a dealer, which is a party that will trigger the settlement of the contract once both parties have accepted the terms of the contract.


Latest Release Apache 2.0 License

Contract Instantiation

To instantiate a new instance of the contract, the following parameters are required:

  • use_private_sellers: A flag indicating whether to limit the allowed seller addresses to the list defined in the allowed sellers list
  • use_private_buyers: A flag indicating whether to limit the allowed buyer addresses to the list defined in the allowed buyers list
  • allowed_sellers: A list of addresses allowed to be a seller in the contract. This is only valid if the use_private_sellers field is set to true and must be empty when use_private_sellers is false
  • allowed_buyers: A list of addresses allowed to be a buyer in the contract. This is only valid if the use_private_buyers field is set to true and must be empty when use_private_buyers is false
  • max_buyer_count: The maximum number of bids that can be placed on the contract
  • dealers: The list of addresses allowed to confirm and reset the contract

Example instantiation payload:

  "use_private_sellers": true,
  "use_private_buyers": true,
  "allowed_sellers": ["mockpbselleraddress"],
  "allowed_buyers": ["mockpbbuyeraddress"],
  "max_buyer_count": 10,
  "dealers": ["mockpbdealeraddress"]

Contract Execution


Adds the sender as the seller on the contract. Along with the sender being added, a hash of the offer terms is added

  • offer_hash: A hash generated from the offer terms that are stored in block vault

Example execution payload:

  "AddSeller": {
    "offer_hash": "b1c2d3e4"


Allows the buyer to update terms of the contract before a seller has been added

  • offer_hash: A hash generated from the offer terms that are stored in block vault

Example execution payload:

  "UpdateSellerOfferHash": {
    "offer_hash": "a1b2c3d4"


Allows the seller to finalize a list of specified pools. This means that the buyer can now review and potentially accept the pools

  • pool_denoms: The list of denoms for the markers that hold the pooled assets

Example execution payload:

  "FinalizePools": {
    "pool_denoms": ["example.test.pool.0"]


Allows the dealer to initiate the settlement of the transaction

Example execution payload:

  "DealerConfirm": {}


Allows the buyer to update the allowed seller's list before a seller has been added

  • allowed_sellers: A list addresses allowed to be a seller in the contract. This is only valid if the is_private field is set to true and must be empty when is_private is false

Example execution payload:

  "UpdateAllowedSellers": {
    "allowed_sellers": ["mockpbselleraddress"]


Allows the buyer to accept a seller's finalized list of pools

Example execution payload:

  "AcceptFinalizedPool": {}


Allows the seller to rescind a finalized list of pools before the buyer has accepted

Example execution payload:

  "RescindFinalizedPools": {}


Allows the dealer to disable a contract provided that the contract does not hold any coins

Example execution payload:

  "ContractDisable": {}


Allows the seller to accept one of the bids from the bid list

  • bidder_address: The address of the bidder for the bid the seller wishes to accept
  • agreement_terms_hash: The hash of the terms that the seller is agreeing to that are stored in block vault

Example execution payload:

  "bidder_address": "mockpbbidderaddress",
  "agreement_terms_hash": "1d3d5d7"


Allows a potential buyer to add a bid to the bid list

  • agreement_terms_hash: A hash generated from the agreement terms that are stored in block vault

Example execution payload:

  "agreement_terms_hash": "2j547d5e"


Allows the admin of the contract to mint the tokens that will be given to the buyer when their bid is accepted

  • token_count: The number of tokens that will be minted for the specified denom
  • token_denom: The denom of the marker that will hold the tokens

Example execution payload:

  "token_count": "5000",
  "token_denom": "test.mock.fake.denom"

Contract Query

The contract currently provides a single query route for getting its internal state. It can be queried with the following payload:

  "GetContractState": {}

Development Setup

This assumes the user is running Mac OSX.

  • To start developing with Rust, follow the standard guide.
  • The contract uses wasm-pack with its make build command. Use this installer command to install it.
  • To build the contract locally with its make optimize, a Docker Environment is also required.