QHidApi Library
QHidApi is a wrapper library for the HidApi library from Signal11. This doesn't add much functionality to the original library, it primarily only allows the use of QString and QVariant for data transfers.
The only major difference is that all USB access is via quint32 id numbers rather than via hid_device structures. All of the functionality of the underlying hidapi classes are available via QHidApi methods.
License =======You may use, distribute and copy the files under the terms of GNU General Public License version 3 (see the file gpl3.txt for details).
This code is just a wrapper around Signal11's hidapi which is also available under the GPLV3 license.
Normal stuff. It's free, use it or modify it as you want but if your PC explodes you are on your own.
Usage(1): Use QHidApi as Qt5's addon module : Building the module
- Download the source code.
- Put the source code in any directory you like
- Go to top directory of the project in a terminal and run
make install (or sudo make install in linux if you are not running as administrator)
make html_docs can be used to generate documentations of the library
Using the module
- Add following line to your qmake's project file:
QT += hidapi
Usage(2): Use source code directly
The package contains a hidapi.pri file that allows you to integrate the component into applications that use qmake for the build step.
Download the source code.
Put the source code in any directory you like. For example, 3rdparty:
|-- project.pro
|-- ....
|-- 3rdparty\
| |-- qtxlsx\
| |
- Add following line to your qmake project file:
Note: If you like, you can copy all files from src/hidapi to your application's source path. Then add following line to your project file:
> **Note**: If you do not use qmake, you need to define the following macro manually
> ```
- Then, using Qt Xlsx in your code
#include <QHidApi>
#include <QByteArray>
class USBDevice(QObject *parent) : public QThread {
USBDevice(QObject *parent=0);
QHidApi *pHidApi;
quint32 mId;
QByteArray mReadData;
USBDevice::USBDevice(QObject *parent) : QThread(parent) {
uint vendor = 0x04D8;
uint product = 0xF1FA;
QString serial = QString("1.0.0");
pHidApi = new QHidApi(this);
mId = pHidApi->open(vendor, product, serial); // TODO id's in config ??
if (mId) {
pHidApi->setNonBlocking(mId); // set the read() to be non-blocking.
return -1;
USBDevice::~USBDevice() {
void USBDevice::run() {
while (true) {
mReadData = pHidApi->read(mId, timeout);
if (!mReadData.isEmpty())
void USBDevice::sendData(QByteArray request) {
pHidApi->write(mId, request);
void USBDevice::handleReadyRead() {
// do something with the data