Template engines like Vue
- 1、Setting up the development environment
- 2、The basic compiler finished
- 3、Parsed the tokens
- 4、Generated the expression and filled the value into the express
- 5、The basic directive system
- 6、Finished the directive of text
- 7、Add the method of rendering the normal attribute
- 8、Add the directive of if and show
- 9、Style directive that supports object writing and array writing
- 10、Add src and href directive
- 11、Class directive that supports object writing and array writing
- 12、Finished each directive
- 13、Bind attributes firective
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
<div class="app">
<p :show="flag">
{{ test }}
<p :if="1 + 1 === 2">test if</p>
<img :src="image" alt="">
<a :href="link">链接测试</a>
<div :style="{color: activeColor, fontSize: size}">测试一下style指令的对象写法</div>
<div :style="[styleObj]">测试一下style数组写法</div>
<div :class="{success: isActive, error: 1+1==2}"></div>
<div :class="[{success: isError}, {error: !isError}]"></div>
<li :each="comment in comments">{{ comment.content }}</li>
<li :each="comments" data-index="{{ index }}">{{ item.content }}</li>
<script src="./berserker.js"></script>
const data = {
activeColor: 'red',
isActive: true,
isError: false,
size: '14px',
link: 'https://www.baidu.com',
image: 'http://h0.hucdn.com/open/201806/395b7d4f974cd6b9_200x200.jpg',
flag: false,
test: '1111',
styleObj: {
color: '#ff4965',
fontSize: '20px'
comments: [{
content: '我是1个评论。'
content: '我是2个评论。'
content: '我是3个评论。'
template: document.querySelector('.app'),