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Admin Endpoint

Bs_zombie edited this page Aug 19, 2023 · 1 revision


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Fastforward Server Administration

Sign up

To create an admin account, access the server database and add a row in the admin_creds table with the username and password. The password should be hashed with bcrypt, cost 10

INSERT INTO admin_creds (username, password) VALUES ('thebestadmin', '$2a$10$NBOuKT9ru6N9SVn8Obtud.IRHpon3YKEVVrvjSBzzYDoreq2azU.q')

Change Password

To change your password, send a JSON POST request with the username, oldpassword and newpassword keys to

ℹ️ Changing a user's password will resest their refresh token



    "username": "thebestadmin",
    "oldpassword": "agoodpassword",
    "newpassword": "areallygoodpassword"


Status Code Response Meaning
200 empty Password was changed successfully
201 empty Username was not found or old password did not match - password not updated

Getting refresh tokens

To reduce the amount of database lookups the server uses refresh and access tokens. An access token is valid for only 15 minutes and is verified quickly, without a db lookup. However, to generate an access token a refresh token needs to be verified which does need a db lookup. This way only one lookup every 15 minutes is needed for each user.

To change your password send a JSON POST request with the username and password keys to The server will send a JSON response with a reftoken key

⚠️ Only one refresh token per user can be generated, if a new one is generated the old one becomes invalid.




    "username": "thebestadmin",
    "password": "areallygoodpassword"


  "reftoken": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJ0aGViZXN0YWRtaW4iLCJleHAiOjEwMDMwOTA0OTksImp0aSI6ImQzZjY4ODZkLTcwNmUtNGFhMC05MTZiLWM5ODVjODZhNWFkOSIsInN1YiI6InJlZl90b2tlbiJ9.vSpqFOeHTi7F4rIC9l-D-vxicZOetHvUqa1xJtQMn2OGhz_HlLuIuhsg4rYspAVrhYU-xTlcequW35VjdzR0gKO8OIaGA3CVpCg6PlYqRMXOakbVIdES35xMIGHgHp-_XVGXyZ34htkI5yAp6MI3p1E6oCD-wRdvxq9eRT0u9PjvF1CBw9YsWkUlR_5VS-AyeF8asvEqzwiq9ZRljYKbyEzbqJn-vcb1S7SU4PqSpKgxL9DriL2oC0QqO3N56Lx8gLXszbiSngveBlREzM5XczF8Ii6ap8JjfRwLjXVGmap2fgYzuJEoExIV7G7dIJkU83j3XVt7DEzus5eA6mIMEA"


Status Code Response Meaning
200 application/json Success
201 empty Username was not found or password did not match

Getting access tokens

To change your access token, send a JSON POST request with a reftoken key to The server will send a JSON response with an acctoken key

ℹ️ Access tokens are valid for only 15 minute remember to generate and use new ones often


Generating an access token:


  "reftoken": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJ0aGViZXN0YWRtaW4iLCJleHAiOjEwMDMwOTA0OTksImp0aSI6ImQzZjY4ODZkLTcwNmUtNGFhMC05MTZiLWM5ODVjODZhNWFkOSIsInN1YiI6InJlZl90b2tlbiJ9.vSpqFOeHTi7F4rIC9l-D-vxicZOetHvUqa1xJtQMn2OGhz_HlLuIuhsg4rYspAVrhYU-xTlcequW35VjdzR0gKO8OIaGA3CVpCg6PlYqRMXOakbVIdES35xMIGHgHp-_XVGXyZ34htkI5yAp6MI3p1E6oCD-wRdvxq9eRT0u9PjvF1CBw9YsWkUlR_5VS-AyeF8asvEqzwiq9ZRljYKbyEzbqJn-vcb1S7SU4PqSpKgxL9DriL2oC0QqO3N56Lx8gLXszbiSngveBlREzM5XczF8Ii6ap8JjfRwLjXVGmap2fgYzuJEoExIV7G7dIJkU83j3XVt7DEzus5eA6mIMEA"


  "acctoken": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJ0aGViZXN0YWRtaW4iLCJleHAiOjEwMDc5MDg0MTAsInN1YiI6ImFjY190b2tlbiJ9.X5R3VjrxEAxCNp_wLnQwRrFdq6UszPV-B-IDlVrYOzreSgpi65Hmyzh-J7kBx2RRz0NL2WZFiOv8vkQvNAjZQlstogIhoNvFbK8a8FshkimFf-sUYybh7hTzl3JvCAqwoIQ0Bom_TVHUlw988UCEZJxZZVLXcUWM_L9507g12kH9HGAfcsRvjGKpiMhUfystWoxFhLLvutkZBvWoaQ9NxNr0I8_AS5pyBPAi5h6H0RZMhn3zcULEJkOJ1suwjBnnf8MReOGHGmqKLlYadwxjy6iei98fL5l1n2kQkpQreBVyofRrPsWgYwnCRcmiynqLWJ4FzDKb2ksCMQ_eiQCexw"


Status Code Response Meaning
200 application/json Token was refreshed successfully
401 empty reftoken is invalid

Getting reported links

To get reported links send a form-urlencoded POST request with a page parameter and access token as bearer token in the Authorization header to

This will return up to 20 entries at once. Use the page argument to get another set of 20 entries.



> POST /admin/api/getreported

> Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

> Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJ0aGViZXN0YWRtaW4iLCJleHAiOjE2Mzc5MDk2NjUsInN1YiI6ImFjY190b2tlbiJ9.m2PZ8Lv6KckQEC6lw3g655BgY0z1XcaeqxxGnfuP0YE-h7aU6YUbFyOAjPZedxLLhNzAcDZp806lFBAAiDGiEz79Jz_YYrISDSlb7YiwHSbarSvMZLnBOMkxbcsVAoA45Pqn0u_uHRhyeTr8d7r5dlMASZv8AUnEa_UkjfArOwRrv_hb0boC_AlLP5mL3NyGfHbVAPza7Jc9jyxCf46uvoSsR5X6zi17ROOFYytkfzUeyk6HiJ_nQ6wCfWqbDkh1cdTqsKPcCWB141UtmoNPAfqxhT-zK-MLkGGKFLQJIP0_xMYTVwB-Mya3tIFmm-CQsyPFGsy6H5LGRAsXOcRYew

| page=1


    "id": 3,
    "domian": "shortlinksite.example",
    "path": "9njv3",
    "destination": "fishylink.example",
    "times_reported": 1,
    "hashed_IP": "64ced7e32efb08f35afccadca888750d23263a5850e62cc8846052bc93ceef7c",
    "votedfordeletion": false,
    "voted_by": ""
    "id": 5,
    "domian": "shortlinksite.example",
    "path": "9mj58",
    "destination": "suslink.example",
    "times_reported": 8,
    "hashed_IP": "61be55a8e2f6b4e172338bddf184d6dbee29c98853e0a0485ecee7f27b9af0b4",
    "votedfordeletion": false,
    "voted_by": ""
    "id": 6,
    "domian": "shortlinksite.example",
    "path": "a8dyu123",
    "destination": "imposterlink.example",
    "times_reported": 1,
    "hashed_IP": "f9cf2e767495e184a9d07523a3cd9f18faf1b4975ed632f9072009a03e1774e8",
    "votedfordeletion": true,
    "voted_by": "thebetteradmin"


Status Code Response Meaning
200 application/json Token was refreshed successfully
401 empty bearer token in auth header is invalid

Vote for deletion

Admins can vote to delete an entry. It takes 2 votes to delete an entry. The server does not prevent an admin from voting twice. For now, only the the first voter is stored in the db (Both voters do show up in logs, though).

To vote send a JSON POST request with keys for the domain and path with the access token as bearer token in the Authorization header to



    "domain": "shortlinksite.example",
    "path": "a8dyu123"


Status Code Response Meaning
200 empty Successfully voted (entry now has 1 vote)
402 empty Successfully deleted, the entry already had one vote
422 empty domain and path not found


The FastForward Server API uses the following error codes on all endpoints:

Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request - Your request is invalid or malformed
404 Not Found - The specified endpoint could not be found
500 Internal Server Error - The server experienced an error. Please inform the admin(s)
503 Service Unavailable - The server is offline. Please inform the admin(s)