A python software dedicated to the simulation of multiphysical systems in the Port-Hamiltonian Systems (PHS) formalism.
It is developped in the project/team S3 (Sound Signals and Systems) at STMS Research Lab (CNRS UMR 9912), hosted by IRCAM.
It was initially developed between 2012 and 2016 as a part of the PhD project of Antoine Falaize, under the direction of Thomas Hélie, through a funding from French doctoral school EDITE (UPMC ED-130), and in connection with the French National Research Agency project HaMecMoPSys.
It is possible to install pyphs
from package (if you just want to use it) or source (if you plan to
use it for development) by following the instructions below. Whichever variant
you choose, please make sure that all prerequisites are installed.
To install the pyphs
package, you must have either Python 2.7 or Python
3.4 or newer and the following packages installed:
- sympy
- numpy
- scipy
- matplotlib
- networkx
- stopit
- progressbar2
- nose (to run the tests)
Please refer to the requirements.txt file for the minimum required versions and make sure that these modules are up to date, otherwise it can result in unexpected errors or false computations!
Additionally, theano is used if available for faster numerical evaluation of symbolic functions.
Finally, the generated C++ code rely on the Eigen library (see Configuration below).
The instructions given here should be used if you just want to install the package, e.g. to run the bundled programs or use some functionality for your own project. If you intend to change anything within the pyphs package, please follow the steps in the next section.
The easiest way to install the package is via pip
from the PyPI (Python
Package Index):
pip install pyphs
This includes the latest code and should install all
dependencies automatically. If this is not the case, each dependency can be install the same way with pip
You might need higher privileges (use su or sudo) to install the package globally. Alternatively you can install the package locally
(i.e. only for you) by adding the --user
pip install --user pyphs
If you plan to use the package as a developer, clone the Git repository:
git clone --recursive https://github.com/afalaize/pyphs.git
Then you can simply install the package in development mode:
python setup.py develop --user
To run the included tests:
python setup.py test
After installation, it is recommanded to configure the config.py to your needs. Particularily, this is where the local path to the Eigen library is specified (and then included in the generated C++ code).
Your local config.py file is located at the root of the pyphs package, which can be recovered with:
>>> import pyphs >>> help(pyph)
To upgrade the package, please use the same mechanism (pip vs. source) as you did for installation. If you want to change from package to source, please uninstall the package first.
Simply upgrade the package via pip:
pip install --upgrade pyphs [--user]
If some of the provided programs or models changed (please refer to the CHANGELOG) you should first uninstall the package and then reinstall:
pip uninstall pyphs pip install pyphs [--user]
Simply pull the latest sources:
git pull
The package has a very simple structure, divided into the following folders:
- /docs
- package documentation
- /pyphs/tutorials
- tutorials programs for the main `pyphs classes
- /pyphs/examples
- additional examples (executable programs)
- /pyphs/core
- define the core PHS structure class PHSCore
- /pyphs/graphs
- define the classes PHSNetlist and PHSGraph
- /pyphs/dictionary
- components (PHSGraph)
- /pyphs/numerics
- define the classes PHSEval, PHSNumericalMethod and PHSNumericalCore for the numerical evaluation of PHSCore
- /pyphs/simulations
- define the classes PHSSimulation and PHSData for simulation
- /pyphs/latex
- LaTeX code generation
- /pyphs/cpp
- C++ code generation
- /pyphs/tests
- test programs (withe nose)
- /pyphs/plots
- Plot tools
- /pyphs/misc
- Miscelaneous tools
- See the website.