Fusion 360 Script to compare bodies
An Autodesk Screencast showing how to compare different Bodies.
Method compareBRepBodiesByArea(firstBRepBody, secondBRepBody)
Use the property BRepBody.area
and math.isClose()
to compare two BRep Bodies by their surface area.
Returns True if the Area is the same.
Method compareBRepBodiesByVolume(firstBRepBody, secondBRepBody)
Use the property BRepBody.volume
and math.isClose()
to compare two BRep Bodies by their volume.
Returns True if the Volume is the same.
Method compareBRepBodiesByFaces(firstBRepBody, secondBRepBody)
A BRepBody (firstBRepBody, secondBRepBody)
has BRepFaces.
A BRepFace has BRepVertices.
I can get a Point3D Object with BRepVertex.geometry
A Point3D Object has a method called .asArray()
, which returns (x,y,z)
and also properties for x,y,z coordinates.
Iterate through all Faces of each Body and get all Vertices. Store the Vertices coordinates in an Array of Faces where a Face is an Array of Vertices and where a Vertex is an Array of x,y,z Coordinates.
Data Structure:
{Face1,Face2,...,FaceN} -> {{Vertex1,Vertex2,...,VertexN},...,FaceN} -> {{{x1,y1,z1},{x2,y3,z2},...,PointN},{x1,y1,z1},{x2,y3,z2},...,PointN},...,VertexN},...,FaceN}
Iterate through all BRepFaces of the firstBRepBody. For every BRepFace of the firstBrepBody iterate through all BRepFaces of secondBRepBody and call compareVerticesList(first,second,diff)
Breaks if the BRepFaces match each other. If there is no matching face from firstBRepBody to a face of the second BRepBody the current face will be colored.
Returns False if one face of firstBRepBody is not matching with a face in secondBRepBody.
Method compareVertices(firstVertex, secondVertex, comDifference)
is an Array of the center of mass difference{x,y,z}
(should be{0,0,0}
if the volume is not the same)