This is the prototype of intelligent fuzzer for services, written with REST API rules, which was created during the Summer school internship. Authors: Fedor Chikhachev, Egor Degterenko, Konstantin Korkin, Lubov Sadovskaya (Moscow State Public School №444 students)
- It analyzes RAML specification for your REST API
- It has 2 fuzzing sessions. Firstly, random routing. Simply going to popular routes. Secondly, GET & POST params fuzzing, based on what it found in your RAML specification.
usage: python3 [-h] [--hc [HC [HC ...]]] [--sc [SC [SC ...]]] --mode {1,2,12}
path host
Process some information about what to test
positional arguments:
path Path to main RAML specification of your REST API
host Address of testing server, with protocol
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--hc [HC [HC ...]] Response codes to be hidden, if nothing classified -
would be taken from RAML doc
--sc [SC [SC ...]] Response codes to be shown, if nothing classified -
would be taken from RAML doc
--mode {1,2,12} Choose beetween modes: 1 - random routing, 2 - fuzzing
of parameters, 12 - both
Full documentation could be found in docs folder.