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jQuery methods to create different types of elements displayed in a adjusted version of Bootstrap 4 default theme


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This plugin contains jQuery methods to create different types of elements e.q. buttons, list, select, tables, modal windows etc. displayed in a adjusted version of Bootstrap 4 default theme




bower install --save



There are some common options used for (almost) all types of elements


{icon, text, vfFormat, vfValue, vfOptions, link, onClick, textStyle, title } or [] of {text, ..., title }


Can be a standard class-name for a icon-font packages (eg. Fontawesome) or a json-object used to build Fonawesome icons:

{icon:"fa-home", data:{..}, attr:{..}, list:[


  • String - { text: "This is just a test" }

  • i18n namespace:key - { text: "myNamespace:myKey" }

  • i18next-phrases-object - {lang1:"...", lang2:"...",...langN:"..."}

      { icon:"fa-home", text: "With icon" }
      { icon:"fa-home", text: {da:"PĂĄ dansk", en:"In English"} }

i18next, vfFormat, vfValue, and vfOptions

Options for i18next is passed as i18next

    {text:"aNamespace;anId", i18next:{count:4}}

vfFormat, vfValue, and vfOptions

The content of a element can be set and updated using jquery-value-format. The options vfFormat and (optional) vfOptions defines witch format used to display the content vfValue

No formats are defined in this package (See examples at fcoo-value-format)

link or onClick

link can be a url (string) or a function onClick is always a function


Is a string or object with info on text-style for the element Possible values: primary secondary success danger warning info light dark left right center lowercase uppercase capitalize normal bold italic

{ textStyle: "left capitalize" } //As string
{ textStyle: { left: true, capitalize: true} } //As object


Sets the DOM-element title. Same format as text

Array of content and content

Simple elements can have the content-options direct together with other id:values: var myButton = $.bsButton( {id: "myButtonId", icon: "fa-car", text:{da:"Normalt", en: "Normal"} } );

If the content-options are alone the content can also be an array of content. They will will be added with space between each record.

header: [
	{ icon: "fa-home", text:{da: "Dansk", en:"English" },
	{ text: {da: "Link til noget", en:"Link to something"}, link:"", textStyle:"italic" }

To allow array of content for simple elements it is possible to use options.content with an array of content. options.content will overwrite all other content-options

var myButton = $.bsButton({
                    id: "myButtonId", 
                    content: [{icon: "fa-bicycle"}, {icon:"fa-car"}, {icon:!"fa-fighter-jet"}]

Element is selected

Use any of the following options options.selected, options.checked, or

allowZeroSelected [Boolean] default = false

If true it is allowed to deselect a selected child-element (e.q. in a radio-group)

allowReselect [Boolean] default = false

If true the onChange is called when a selected item is reselected/clicked

List/array of child-elements

Use any of the following options options.list, options.buttons, options.items, or options.children


If options.context is given, ALL functions in options (eg. onClick, text, etc.) is called with this=context



var myIcon = $.bsMarkerAsIcon(colorClassName, borderColorClassName, options);

Return options to create a marker-icon = icon with inner color given as color in colorClassName and border-color given as color in borderColorClassName


Id Type Default Description
faClassName string "fa-circle" fa-class for symbol
extraClassName string or string[] "" Extra class-name to be added
partOfList boolean false If true the icon is part of a list => return [icon-name] instead of [[icon-name]]


var myButton = $bsButton( options );


Id Type Default Description
id string "" Id of the button. If part of bsButtonGroup: If no id is given the item becomes a sub-header
selected boolean false If true the button is selected (blue)
focus boolean false If true the button get focus
primary boolean false If true the button get primary-class (blue)
square boolean false If true the button get equal height and min-width (used primarily for icon-buttons)
bigSquare boolean false Same as square but extra large size (appx. x 1.6)
bigIcon boolean false If true the button get a almost 100% height icon (used primarily for icon-buttons)
extraLargeIcon boolean false If true the icon (and text) in the button get font-size 2rem
transparent boolean false If true the button get transparent
transparentOnDark boolean false If true the button get transparent and light text-color (assuming dark background)
semiTransparent boolean false If true the button get semi-transparent
noBorder boolean false If true the button will have no borders
noShadow boolean false If true the button will have no shadow
attr object null
prop object null
onClick function() null function to be called on-click
returnFromClick boolean false Return value from onClick. If false (default) event bubble is prevented
content content or [] of content "" See above


var myLinkButton = $.bsLinkButton( options ); //Create a Bootstrap-button as a link


var myCheckboxButton = $.bsCheckboxButton( options ); 

See src/jquery-bootstrap-button.js for description

Standard checkbox-button

var myStandardCheckboxButton = $.bsStandardCheckboxButton( options );

See src/jquery-bootstrap-button.js for description

Icon checkbox-button

var myIconCheckboxButton = $.bsIconCheckboxButton( options );

See src/jquery-bootstrap-button.js for description


var myButtopnGroup = $.bsButtonGroup( options );
Id Type Default Description
vertical boolean false false: Buttons side-by-side. true: Buttons in list
center boolean options.vertical Center-align then content of the buttons
fullWidth boolean false If true and vertical:falsethe group get full width of parent and all buttons get equal width
centerInParent boolean false If true and vertical:falsethe group get centered in it parent and the buttons gets there individual width
border boolean false If true the group get a border
buttons or list [] of button-options [] Array of options for the buttons (See above)


    var myButtopnGroup = $.bsRadioButtonGroup( options );


Same as for Button-group plus

Id Type Default Description
id string "" id for the group Id of the item. If no id is given the item becomes a sub-header
allowZeroSelected boolean false See above
onChange function(id, selected, $buttonGroup) null Called when a button is selected


Create horizontal bar with buttons

    var myButtopnBar = $.bsButtonBar( options );


Same as for Button-group plus

    justify    : "start", "end", "center", "between", "around", or "evenly"


var mySelect = $.bsSelect( options );


Id Type Default Description
selectedId string null id of selected item
placeholder content or [] of content "" See above
fullWidth boolean false If true the selectbox get full width of parent
onChange function(id, selected, $buttonGroup) null Called when item is selected
items [] of itemOptions [] The items and sub-headers


Id Type Default Description
id string null Id of the item. If no id is given the item becomes a sub-header
text,.. content "" See above. . NOTE: Only text is supported - not icon or content


var mySelectList = $.bsSelectList( options );


As for Select without placeholder but with all the options for icons and text


var mySelectButton = $.bsSelectButton( options );


As for SelectList

Radio and Checkbox

var myCheckbox = $.bsCheckbox( options );
Id Type Default Description
checked or selected boolean false See above
content content or [] of content null See above
icon,text,.. content "" See above
onChange function(id, selected, $buttonGroup) null Called when (de-)checked
type string "checkbox" If type:"radio" the checkbox is displayed as a radio


var myMenu = $.bsMenu( options );

Create a combination of header, Button-group, Radio-button-group, Checkbox and given content

Description NOT complete. See src/jquery-bootstrap-menu.js for more


var myPopover = $(selector).bsPopover( options );


Id Type Default Description
header content or [] of content "" See above
close boolean false Show close cross in header
trigger String "click" How the popover is triggered - "click", "hover", "focus", "context"/"contextmenu" or "manual"
vertical boolean false
placement String "top", "bottom", "left", "right" Default = "right" for vertical: false and "top" for vertical:true
closeOnClick boolean false If true the popover will close when it is clicked
content The content of the popover. function, DOM-element, jQuery-object
footer content or [] of content "" See above


var myButtonGroupPopover = $(selector).bsButtonGroupPopover( options );


Same as for Popover plus center and list/buttons as in Button-group


var mySelectListPopover = $(selector).bsSelectListPopover( options );


Same as for Popover plus SelectList plus

syncHtml: [Boolean] - update html of owner-element with html of selected item


var myMenuPopover = $(selector).bsMenuPopover( options );


Same as for Popover plus list as in Menu


var myCarousel = $.bsCarousel( options );


var myTable = $.bsTable( options );

Format of content

The content of individual cells are as described above. To add a class-name to the individual cells - set the content-options className To set common format all data in a column set the column-options vfFormat and vfOptions.


Id Type Default Description
showHeader boolean true Hide/Show the columns headers
verticalBorder boolean true Show/hide header row
noBorder boolean false When true no border
noPadding boolean false When true the vertical padding of all cells are 0px
notFullWidth boolean false When true the table is not 100% width and will adjust to it content
centerInContainer boolean false When true the table is centered inside its container. Normally it require notFullWidth: true
selectable boolean false Allow row to be selected
selectedId string "" id for selected row
onChange function(id, selected, trElement) null Called when a row is selected or deselected (if options.allowZeroSelected == true)
allowZeroSelected boolean false See above. Not together with allowReselect
allowReselect boolean false Allow a row to be selected when it is already selected. Not together with allowZeroSelected
columns [] of columnOptions []  
content [] of contentOptions []  
rowClassName [] of string [] Class-names for each row
rowFilter function(rowData, rowId) null Filter on row-level: Return true if row is to be included/shown. rowData = {id: value}


Id Type Default Description
id string Mandatory
header content or [] of content "" See above
align string "left" "left", "center", or "right". Text alignment for the column
noWrap boolean false If true the column will not be wrapped
fixedWidth boolean false If true the column will not change width when the tables width is changed. Normally need noWrap: true
truncate boolean false If true the column will be truncated. Normally only one column get truncate: true NOT IMPLEMENTED
sortable boolean false If true the column can be sorted
sortBy string or function(e1, e2): int "string" Possible values: "int" (sort as float), "moment", "moment_date", "moment_time" (sort as moment-obj) or function(e1, e2) return int
sortIndex int null When sorting and to values are equal the values from an other column is used. The default order of the other columns to test is given by the its index in options.columns. Default sortIndex is (column-index+1)*100 (first column = 100) sortIndex can be set to alter the order.
sortDefault string or boolean false Possible values = false, true, "asc" or "desc". true => "asc"
sortHeader boolean false If true a header-row is added every time the sorted value changes
vfFormat string "" See above
vfOptions object null See above
createContent function(content, $td) null function to create content inside $td. Is alternative to direct values
width string null The fixed width of the column
noHorizontalPadding boolean false If true the horizontal padding of the cells in the column is zero
filter function(rawValue, colunmOptions) null Filter on cell-level: Return true if row is to be included/shown based on single column value.


Id Type Default Description
id string "" Mandatory if the table has options selecable: true
[column-id] content or [] of content "" See above


columns: [ 
    {id: "first",...},..., 
content: [
        first      : "My id",..., 
        description: {da:"Dansk beskrivelse", en:"English description"}
        first      : "My",..., 
        description: {da:"En anden dansk beskrivelse", en:"Another English description"}


.addRow(  rowContent ); //Add a row dynamically
.asModal(  modalOptions ); //Return a bsModal (see below) with the table as content

.sortBy( idOrIndex, dir ); //Sort the table by column given by idOrIndex. dir = 'acs' or 'desc'

.resetFilterTable(); //Reset previuos filtering (show all rows)

.filterTable( rowF, columnF ); 
//Filter the table. rowF (optional) and columnF (optional) 
//overwrites any filter given by options.rowFilter or columnOptions.filter


var options.content = {
        content: [
            ["1-1", "1-2", "1-3"],
            ["2-1", "2-2", "2-3"],
            ["3-1", "3-2", "3-3"],
    myList = $.bsList( options );

bsList is a light version of bsTable without header and the need for column-id in the content


$myAccordion = $.bsAccordion( accordionChildOptions ); //accordionChildOptions.children must exists


Id Type Default Description
header content or [] of content "" See above
multiOpen boolean false If true the different "children" can be open at the same time
allOpen boolean false If true the different "children" are open
neverClose boolean false If true the different "children" are all open and can not be closed
content jQuery-object / DOM-element / function( $container ) "" The content of the accordion-card
children (or list) [] of accordionChildOptions null The children cards
footer content or [] of content "" See above
onChange function( $accordion, status) null ONLY TOP-LEVEL: Called when a card is opened or closed.
false = the card is closed. []=status for all children of the card


.asModal(  modalOptions ); //Return a bsModal (see below) with the accordion as content
.bsOpenCard( indexOrId ); //Open the card with index (integer) or id (string) == indexOrId


$myTabs = $.bsTabs( options ); 


Id Type Default Description
children (or list) [] of tabOptions null The tabs
scroll boolean false Adds a scrollbar to the content
height string null The fixed height of all content-containers


Id Type Default Description
id string ""
icon, text etc content or [] of content "" See above
content The contents for the tab.
Can be DOM-element, jQuery-element, function( $container )

| footer | content or [] of content | "" | See above |


.asModal(  modalOptions ); //Return a bsModal (see below) with the tabs as content
.bsSelectTab( indexOrId ); //Select the tab with index (integer) or id (string) == indexOrId


$myModal = $.bsModal( options ); 


Id Type Default Description
header content or [] of content "" See above
noHeader boolean false Prevent header even if options.header is set
noVerticalPadding boolean false If true the vertical padding around all contents is zero
noHorizontalPadding boolean false If true the horizontal padding around all contents is zero
noShadow boolean false If true the modal gets no shadow
show boolean true The modal is shown after creation
static boolean false If true the modal can only be closed on top-right (x) or a button
closeButton boolean true If true a close button is added. See closeText and closeIcon below
buttons [] of button-options [] Array of options for buttons in the footer. See Button above. closeOnClick: true/false is added to set if the button closes the modal
closeText string or i18n-record {da:'Luk', en:'Close'} The text for the close-button.
closeIcon string "fa-times" The icon for the close-button
extended object null The extended content. See below.
minimized object null The minimized content. See below.
onPin function( pinned [boolean] ) null When given the icons for pin and unpin as shown. Also when pinned the modal can only be closed using the close icon or close-button
onNew function() null When given the icons for open-in-new-window is shown
noCloseIconOnHeader boolean false If true no close icon is added on the header
isMinimized boolean false If true the modal initial as minimized
isExtended boolean false If true the modal initial as maximized
dynamic boolean false If true and content is a function the modal content is created when the modal is resized to the given size
historyList HistoryList null If given the modal gets backward and forward icons in header to go backward and forward in the historyList. See demo and history.js)

Content options

The following options can be set for the tree different content:

  • minimized: options.minimimized
  • normal: options
  • extended: options.extended.
    If options.extended.width = true all options.extended.ID regarding width are inherited the from options.ID
    If options.extended.height = true all options.extended.ID regarding height are inherited the from options.ID

The height of the modal can be one of the following four ways (see description below)

    //Fixed height
    options.height: NUMBER

    options.maxHeight: NUMBER

    //Relative to the height of the height of the parent container of the modal
    relativeHeight       : NUMBER of FUNCTION
    relativeHeightOffset : NUMBER or FUNCTION
    parentContainerHeight: NUMBER or FUNCTION

    //Always maximum height
    alwaysMaxHeight: BOOLEAN
Id Type Default Description
type string "" Sets background-color and color to match the Noty types
Possible value="alert", "success", "warning", "error", "info"
width number null The width of the modal. Default width is 300px.
flexWidth boolean false The default width of a modal is 300px. If true the width of the modal will adjust to the width of the browser up to 500px
extraWidth boolean false Only when flexWidth is set: If true the width of the modal will adjust to the width of the browser up to 800px
megaWidth boolean false Only when flexWidth is set: If true the width of the modal will adjust to the width of the browser up to 1200px
height number null The fixed height of the modal. If neither maxHeight or height is set the max-height is adjusted to window-height
maxHeight number null The max-height of the modal
relativeHeight NUMBER of FUNCTION 1 Must be/return a number <= 1 witch is the relative height compared with the parent container of the modal
relativeHeightOffset NUMBER or FUNCTION 2 * modalVerticalMargin Must be/return a number the is deducted from parent-container-height * relativeHeight
parentContainerHeight NUMBER or FUNCTION window.innerHeight Is/return the height of the parent container
alwaysMaxHeight boolean false If true the modal is always maximum height regardless of content
scroll string or boolean true true or "vertical": Vertical scrollbar
"horizontal": Horizontal scroll-bar
false or "": No scrollbar
noVerticalPadding boolean false If true the vertical padding around the contents is zero
noHorizontalPadding boolean false If true the horizontal padding around th contents is zero
fixedContent The contents of the fixed (no scroll-bar) part of the modal. Can be DOM-element, jQuery-element, function( $container )
fixedContentOptions Options different from content for fixed-content
content The contents of the scrolling part of the modal. Can be DOM-element, jQuery-element, function( $container )
contentContext null The context for content (only function)
footer content or [] of content "" See above
fixedClassName string "" Extra class-name(s) for <div> containing options.fixedContent
className string "" Extra class-name(s) for <div> containing options.content
semiTransparent boolean false If true the background of the content gets semi-transparent
showHeaderOnClick boolean false Only for options.minimized: If true clicking on content => show header (default: extend to normal size)
onClick function( pinned [boolean] ) null Event when content is clicked


.show(); //Show the modal
.update( options ); //Empty and replace the content of the header, content, fixed-content, footer (both normal, extended and minimized)


$myModalForm = $.bsModalForm( options ); 
$myModalForm.edit( {
	"id1": "value1",
	"id2": 123

Extends options.content with id and onSubmit: function( data ) method edit( data ) where data = { id:value*N} and id match a options.content[].id

Description NOT complete. See src/jquery-bootstrap-form.js for more Validation of input: See src/jquery-bootstrap-form-validation.js for more


$myModalFile = $.bsModalFile( "a-file-name", options ); 

Show a file in a mega-width modal-window


$myFileView = $.bsFileView( "a-file-name", options ); 

Create a element with a view of the file and buttons to show and open the file/document


Using Noty^3.1.3 to create noty-messages NOTE: In Noty>=3.0.0 the method window.noty in removed. Is added in this packages

$myNoty = $.bsNoty( options ); 

Each modal gets its own set of noty that are closed when the modal is closed


Beside the normal Noty options the following new options and default are added

Id Type Default Description
text or content content/jQuery-object or [] of content/jQuery-object "" See above
textAlign string "left" "left", "center", or "right"
header content "" See above
defaultHeader boolean false If true use default header (icon + text) defined in $.bsNotyIcon and $.bsNotyName
onTop boolean false If true the noty is always on top of all other elements
onTopLayerClassName string "" Alternative class-name for the container containing the top notys
flash boolean false If true the noty will flash for 3s when shown
footer content or [] of content "" See above
buttons [] of button-options [] Array of options for buttons in the footer. See Button above. closeOnClick: true/false (default:true) is added to set if the button closes the modal

Each modal gets its own set of noty


noty.flash(); //Flash the noty for 3s (again)

Five different methods are defined with default options depending of the type of noty:

  • queue: "global" but if != "global" options.killer is set to options.queue

  • killer: if options.queue != "global" => killer = queue and the noty will close all noty with same queue.
    To have unique queue and prevent closing: set options.killer: false
    To close all noty set options.killer: true

  • timeout: If type="warning" or "success" timeout is set to 3000ms. Can be avoided by setting options.timeout: false

  • defaultHeader: If type = "error": defaultHeader = true

  • textAlert: "left" if any header else "center"

  • closeWith: if the noty has buttons then only button else only click

      //Simple centered noty with centered text	
      window.notySuccess( text [,options] ) / $.bsNotySuccess(...) / window.notyOk(...) / $.bsNotyOk(...)
      //Simple error noty with header
      window.notyError(...) / $.bsNotyError(...)
      //Simple warning noty with no header
      window.notyWarning(...) / $.bsNotyWarning(...)
      //Simple alert noty with no header
      window.notyAlert(...) / $.bsNotyAlert(...)
      //Simple info noty with no header
      window.notyInfo(...) / $.bsNotyInfo(...)
      //window.noty: method to support noty^2 methods
      window.noty( options );     


Input fields (<input type="text">..</input>) created inside a modal can have a input-mask set using RobinHerbots/Inputmask Note: No placeholder is allowed due to some Chrome bug See RobinHerbots/Inputmask for details on how to set the input-mask


    {id:'id#N', type:'input', inputmask:{"mask": "(999) 999-9999"}, label: 'Label (with inputmask)'}


To include all the Bootstrap and jquery-bootstrap SCSS-variable in another packages include _include-jquery-bootstrap-variables.scss in the scss-file

@import "../bower_components/jquery-bootstrap/src/include-jquery-bootstrap-variables";

Copyright and License

This plugin is licensed under the MIT license.

Copyright (c) 2017 FCOO

Contact information

NielsHolt [email protected]


jQuery methods to create different types of elements displayed in a adjusted version of Bootstrap 4 default theme







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