A part and plugin for KSP used to plot sensor output and flight information. Graphotron was created by Olex, DYJ, and khyperia, and is proudly maintained by Ezriilc, with help from the KSP community.
Please talk to us on our site: https://www.Kerbaltek.com/graphotron Or, on the KSP forum at the link on our site.
Pull requests are always welcome, as is any other input. In fact, we rely on contributions to keep our projects going. Please feel free to contact us here, in the KSP forums, and on our website.
v1.5.1: As always, big thanks to the community for this release, including LinuxGuruGamer and StoneBlue!
Removed old /Parts folder
Converted/resized .mbm to .dds
Cleaned up .cfg file formatting
Moved .dll location to /Plugins folder
Forked from LinuxGuruGamer's fork
Added LICENSE.txt (GPL 3)
v0.4.4: Recompiled for KSP 1.5.1
v0.4.3: Recompiled for KSP 1.3
v0.4.2: Added vertical speed, acceleration and g-force to sources.
v0.4.1: Made compatible with KSP 1.2
- Moved output files to Screenshots/Graphotron/
v0.4: Made compatible with KSP 1.1.2
v0.3: Made compatible with KSP 1.0
v0.2: Long-awaited update:
- Resizeable graph area
- Optional larger label font
- Optional graph legend
- CSV raw data export
- Option to reset the plot
- New data sources, including any resources
- Toggle UI and plotting using action groups
v0.1.2: Added dynamic pressure graph
v0.1.1: Initial working release
v0.1: Initial release