Autors : ALI Cheryn & PERNET Julien (M2 BBS Toulouse 2019)
This is a bash wrapper of Star quantmode, for single or paired-end reads. It's meant to be integrated in Galaxy. You can find the STAR documentation in their git : And Galaxy documentation here :
Add this section to your tool_conf.yml in the galaxy repository:
<section id="PROJET" name="Ca_jp_STAR">
<tool file ="ca_jp_projet/ca_jp_STAR.xml" />
Add provided scripts in the tool repertory , in a folder named "/ca_jp_projet".
Then change the path to your local STAR instance and genome directory in the file.
You get a fasta genome as input, some feature annotations in GTF / GFF2 format and reads (single or paired end). Plug it all in through Galaxy and after some time you get a quantification file, giving you the number of reads per gene, as follows :
column 1: gene ID
column 2: counts for unstranded RNA-seq
column 3: counts for the 1st read strand aligned with RNA (equivalent to htseq-count option -s yes)
column 4: counts for the 2nd read strand aligned with RNA (equivalent to htseq-count option -s reverse)
You can get test data here :