Discover Your Wings
Follow the steps below to download, install, and run this project.
Install these prerequisites to run the dapp on the test network ganache
git clone
check if node.js and truffle are installed
- in termial write command node -v , truffle -v
- if no error messages show follow the steps below
Go to Ganache>QuickStart>Contracts>Link Truffle Project>Add Project
- Choose Project >>Truffle-Config>> Save
Open poweshell and write the command truffle migrate --reset
On poweshell write the command npm run dev
Now you can view Our Website running on your machine.
Some rules that Govern it's Working:
- Anybody can appeal for sanitary pads from anywhere in the world with thier name,address and occupation
- The appeal is registered on the BlockChain
- Donors can view the appealers and choose who they wish to Donate to.
- Any donor has to give 450 Rs, and 6 packets of sanitary pads will be delivered to the appealer. (there is no direct money transfer to avoid misuse of money)
- Once the appealer recieves the packets for 6 months, she cannot appeal for next 6 months.This has been done so as to avoid further selling of pads.
- No-body can both appeal as well as donate to themselves.