A NearSide NoSQL Cache with eventing and other features; built from a 'mash'-up of open source technologies for multiple pluggable NoSQL backends and multiple pluggable messaging platforms.
- Nearside caching for common NoSQL platforms using various Open Source In Memory LRU Caches
- ORM Modelling for POJO's using Spring data
- Event listener support
- Eventing and invalidation between various client-side caches
Current In Memory Cache Support
- OpenHFT ChronicleMap
- Google Guava
- Caffeine
Current Storage Layer Support
- Cassandra
- Mongodb
- Couchbase
Message Queue Support
- Kafka
- Rabbit
- ActiveMQ
- Continuous query caching; leveraging cache-events and implicit query support
- Local filtering
- The code is built using JDK 1.8 using Gradle 2+.
- There are integration tests that exercise the various supported Big Data
stores, these are disabled if Excelian's integration test environment
is not reachable so you will still have a passing build when you clone the project.
The documentation is all present on the Mache Github wiki
- Google Guava Cache for flexible caching implementation https://code.google.com/p/guava-libraries/wiki/CachesExplained
- Spring Data wrappers to map POJO's to each data platform http://projects.spring.io/spring-data/
- http://www.codeaffine.com/2013/11/18/a-junit-rule-to-conditionally-ignore-tests/ for Junit conditional ignore