Python is required to run the frontend application, as well as the scripts for data acquisition and conversion. You can download Python here. After installing Python, make sure that the following libraries are installed. Command line arguments for installation are listed for each requirement.
- MySQL Connector for Python:
pip install mysql-connector-python
- pandas:
pip install pandas
- requests:
pip install requests
- BeautifulSoup:
pip install beautifulsoup4
The backend database for the application is run on MySQL. Installing MySQL Workbench is recommended as well. The rest of this guide will assume you are using MySQL 8.0 Community Server or later, and MySQL Workbench 8.0 CE. You can download MySQL here by selecting "MySQL Community Server", and you can download MySQL Workbench at the same link by selecting "MySQL Workbench".
If you are connecting to an instance of the database that is already set up, you can skip to "Connecting the frontend". Otherwise, there are two ways to create the database: creating the schema and inserting the data manually, or creating the schema and inserting the pre-acquired data via the same .sql file.
To insert data from the provided sql dump, open the database using MySQL Workbench, then open a new query tab and select "SchemaAndDataDump.sql" from this repository's mysql directory.
To insert data manually, first create the schema by executing "SchemaOnlyDump.sql" from this repository's mysql directory, following the instructions from "Inserting Data Automatically". After creating the schema, consult the README in the data directory for details on the data insertion process.
To connect the frontend application to the database, open "db_config.json" in the app directory, and change the fields to the appropriate values corresponding to your database (Ex. "host": "localhost", "user": "admin", "password": "password"). These values should correspond to a user in your MySQL database.
To start the application, navigate to the app directory and run the command py