Daughter of Ugarit* Citation Alignment Tool
An environment for texts from CEX files and aligning citable passages of text, based on the CITE Architecture.
Accepts multiple CTS URNs as request-parameters, e.g.
* Ugarit iAligner is a brilliant user interface for translation alignment, created by Maryam Foradi, Chiara Palladino, and Tariq Yousef. This application, DUCAT, was inspired by the philological model behind Ugarit and the potential for scholarship and pedagogy it represents. Hence, "Daughter of Ugarit". A ducat was once the gold “coin of the realm” allowing commerce among nations.
Active development. See release notes.
CITE Application, by default, downloads a sample corpus of texts. Licensing and attribution for those texts is available in the downloads directory.
This web-app uses cookies. When users download CEX files from the app, they have the option to set a URN value for any collections of alignments they have created; this value will be saved in the browser by means of a cookie, so it can be the default on a subsequent visit. Also, there is an option enter a URL for a default CEX file to load on startup. This value is also saved as a cookie. That's it.
© 2019: Neel Smith and Christopher Blackwell. Available for use, modification, and distribution under the terms of the GPL 3.0 license. Based on the CITE and CTS protocols, by Neel Smith and Christopher Blackwell.