R codes used in the article " Costa et al. (2020). Biological aspects of fish species from subsistence fisheries in “Bons Sinais” estuary, Mozambique"
This code was utilized to generate Figure 3, which illustrates the weight-length relationships for fish species from the Bons Sinais estuary, as well as Figure 4, which displays the length-frequency distribution for fish species from the same estuary in Mozambique. Additionally, the code includes the implementation of Student's t-test (ts) to assess if the regression line's parameters, denoted as 'a' and 'b,' significantly differ from zero. Furthermore, it verifies if the parameter 'b' significantly deviates from the isometric value of 3. Costa, E.F.S., Mocuba, J., Oliveira, D., Teodósio, M.A., Leitão, F. (2020). Biological aspects of fish species from subsistence fisheries in “Bons Sinais” estuary, Mozambique. Regional Studies in Marine Science 39, 101438. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rsma.2020.101438