herbergement : https://api.damned-i-am-lost.com/ et https://search.damned-i-am-lost.com/
$ cd fastapi
Install dependencies :
$ pip3 install fastapi
$ pip3 install uvicorn
$ pip3 numpy
$ pip3 spacy
$ pip3 pydantic
Launch fastapi :
$ python3 -m uvicorn api:app --reload
Backend ip adress : or localhost:8000
$ cd travel-order-resolver-front
Install dependencies :
$ yarn
$ npm install
Lauch frontend :
$ yarn start
Frontend ip adress : or localhost:3000
├── dataset # Test files
├── fastapi # API of the project
│ ├── api.py # Entry point of the api
│ ├── csvparser.py # Parse the timetables dataset
│ ├── dataset.csv # Test phrases dataset
│ ├── Dockerfile # fastapi dockerfile (optional!)
│ ├── nlp.ipynb # Notebook from the nlp
│ ├── nlp.py # NLP computation
│ ├── pathfinder.py # Implementation of the Dijkstra algorithm on pathfinder
│ ├── requirements.txt # Python packages
│ ├── stationparser.py # Methods to determine stations from cities
│ └── timetables.csv # Stations distances dataset for the pathfinder
└── travel-order-resolver-front
├── package.json # Node modules dependencies
├── public # Static files served by the react app
├── README.md
├── src # React app source files
│ ├── App.tsx # Entrypoint of the data processed by the nlp
│ ├── components # Components of the user interface
│ ├── Hooks # Voice processing methods
├── tsconfig.json # Typescript compiler options
├── README.md
├── requirements.txt # Python packages