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accessibility conventions

Ben Elan edited this page Oct 16, 2024 · 1 revision

tags: [a11y, conventions]

Accessibility Conventions

<style> .check-div { padding: 1rem; } .check-div > label { margin-left: 1rem; } fieldset { padding: 3rem; } h2 { font-size: 1.25rem; padding: 0.5rem; } calcite-chip { margin-right: 0.5rem; } </style>

Calcite Components leverages the W3C Accessibility Standards to ensure the applications and experiences are usable by a wide range of audiences. There also pages for accessibility-design-conventions and accessibility-developer-conventions. Additional considerations in designing for individuals include:

Designing for Individuals Do Don't
On the Autistic Spectrum

Use simple sentences and bullets.

Create a wall of text.

Who use Screen Readers

Write descriptive links & headings.

Write vague links & headings.

Who have low vision

Use a combination of color, shapes & text.

Use only color to convey meaning or status.

With physical or motor difficulties

Make large clickable actions.

Demand precision.

Who are deaf or hard of hearing

Use subtitles or provide transcripts for video.

Put content in audio or video formats only.

With Dyslexia

Provide reminders & prompts.

Force people to remember things from previous places.

# Checklist


Information should not depend on color, sound, shape, size, or visual location Design
Text and background color should have sufficient contrast Design
Links should be descriptive and provide intent Design
Links should be visually identifiable Design
Use descriptive section headings Design
Content should use semantic HTML elements Development
HTML should be valid and error-free Development
Forms have descriptive labels Design
Forms have helpful and accessible error and verification messages Design
Labels and help text should be programmatically associated with form fields Development
Use correct HTML5 input types Development
Content does not loose context when zoomed/enlarged Development
Site should not time out unexpectedly Design Development
Pages are understandable with no styles enabled Development
Web page size should not exceed 500k Development

Keyboard & Assistive Tech

Users should be able to navigate content using a screen reader Design Development
Avoid mouse only interactions Design Development
Support keyboard navigation Development
Focus states should be visible for keyboard users Design Development
Allow keyboard users to skip navigation Development
Offer multiple ways to find pages on your website Design
Use ARIA landmarks where applicable Development
Set focus on modals, popovers, alerts, etc. Development

Multimedia & Data Viz

Images should have meaningful alternative text or intentionally marked decorative Design Development
Decorative images should not be visible to screen readers Development
Content that moves automatically has the ability to be paused Design Development
Limit or remove any flashing elements Design
Ensure audio and video is not played automatically unless that is the expected behavior Development
Multimedia should have alternative ways to be consumed Design Development
Make data available for graphs, charts, maps, SVGs, etc. through assistive technology Design Development
Table data is accessible to non-sighted users Development

Renderring SVG elements within components

SVGs are visual elements. When rendering them in a component, assess if the SVG has semantic meaning that needs to be described.

If the SVG has no semantic meaning or the semantic meaning is described elsewhere, make sure to set aria-hidden="true" on it so that screen readers can ignore it.

If the SVG has some semantic meaning that needs to be described to an end user, set the role to img and ensure that it has an aria-label or aria-lablledby.

More information can be found here: