Please cite: Taghia, Jalil, Farnaz Moradi, Hannes Larsson, Xi Lan, Adam Orucu, Masoumeh Ebrahimi and Andreas Johnsson. “Congruent Learning for Self-Regulated Federated Learning in 6G.” IEEE Transactions on Machine Learning in Communications and Networking 2 (2024): 129-149.
cd congruent-federated-learning
pip install -e .
Save your data per client as a .pickle file
client 0: ./path_to_your_data/0.pickle
client 1: ./path_to_your_data/1.pickle
Provide the training data as a nested dict as:
data = {'dataset': {'X': np.ndarray, 'Y': np.ndarray}, 'id': str}
dataset itself is a dict with keys 'X' and 'Y'
'id' is a string corresponding to the name of the client
There is a dataclass named ExpConfig which needs to be modified
There is a dataclass named LearningConfig which contains the learning configs
CFL generally prefers to have number of epochs per round set to a larger value
You can make the final predictions either from the global model or the local model at the clinet side.
This is done by setting
python -m cfl.exp_scripts.exp_fmnist
Note: Data from FMNIST is used for this demo experiment as stored in